Fun New Way to Buy & Sell Kids Clothes
Kids clothes are expensive. And kids grow faster than they can wear things out. This is especially true if you’re one of the first to have a baby in your family – You’ll get so showered with gifts of baby clothes, that you’ll end up with piles of brand new items that your little one outgrew before having a chance to show off. {With Abby, sometimes I’d just do a ‘baby fashion show’, and dress her up in outfits all afternoon, just to get pictures of her in them, lol.} So – what to do with all of those great pieces that are no longer needed? And, what’s the best way to stock up on gently worn pieces to build an affordable wardrobe that your child needs now?
Smart Solution for Busy Moms
Well – It’s LoobaLee to the rescue! Ok, I know what you’re thinking – “Aren’t there already tons of ways to buy and sell used kids clothes?” Yes, there are. And I’ve used many of them – We’ve picked up some amazing, brand-new baby items at yard sales, and I’ve sold many of our unneeded and outgrown pieces on Craigslist. But these aren’t always convenient or practical – Yard Sales are only a few months a year here, and it’s not easy to search for a specific item. Craigslist is a popular way to sell stuff – But I don’t always like dealing with the strange people who respond to our ads. LoobaLee takes the best parts of all these other options, and combines them into one great solution site that I’m totally in love with!
Learn Some Tips on How To Dress Your Kids for Less
Learn Why LoobaLee Rocks:
The whole look of the site is so bright and fun, and everything is so well put together. This is quickly becoming a new favorite of mine – I’m always excited to check each day and see what’s new!
- Cost vs. Value: As I mentioned the last time I was shopping for my little fashionista – When buying kids clothes, it’s not just about cost – it’s more about value. Like the video above shows – many times a cheaper price means a cheaply made item. And at LoobaLee, so many of their pieces are from amazing designer brands. They carry loads of older lines from Gymboree – from back when they had really incredible quality standards. There’s a reason that these items still look brand new!
- It’s Simple: This is NOT an auction site. Everything is sold at an easy to understand fixed price, with no extra hidden fees. Shipping is super simple to calculate, and all purchases are safe and secure. And, unlike a site like Craigslist – there is NO spammy junk ads on LoobaLee, just great quality kids gear. Read their Community Code of Ethics for more info.
- Similar to Retail: There’s a great return policy, ensuring you get what you’re expecting. The check out process is very standard, like a traditional online retailer.
- Simple Selling: This is THE easiest site I’ve ever seen when it comes to listing your items for sale. There’s an easy to fill out template, layers of protection to ensure you get payment, and great options for different ways to sell your items. LOVE it.
There are so many other cool features, once you get started you’ll just keep finding new things to love, the more you use. Promise!
How to Get Started
Follow these quick steps – and you’ll have an account that will allow you to start shopping and selling in just a few minutes!
- Click to get started. Once you’re on it takes only a minute to set up an easy peasy account. Make sure to tell them that I sent you!
- Start browsing! They make is super easy to shop – You can search by size, style, color, gender, and more. This search ability means you can quickly find just what you’re looking for.
- Set up your first listing. You can sell individual pieces, or set up batches of items to sell a bunch of lower-priced items quickly.
- Check out their blog. They’ve got so many helpful tips for building your child’s wardrobe on a tight budget. It’s called “The Conscious Kid’s Closet” – helping moms save cash and the environment, one outfit at a time.
I’m very impressed with the quality of the items for sale, the ease of both shopping AND listing, and the fun feel of the whole site. I think you’ll love it too!
Enter to WIN!
Since I’m such a big fan of LoobaLee, I’m very excited to offer you guys a chance to win this awesome prize, so you can do some fun spring shopping for your family! Use the Rafflecopter form to enter – and if you’re feelin’ lucky, enter to win the other great prizes in the sidebar too!
Have Fun & Good Luck!
{Disclaimer: This sponsored post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own. All prizing for MSM giveaways is handled by a third party unless otherwise noted. For this reason prize fulfillment can take up to 90 days after the winners information is received.}

This is my first introduction to the site and what a fantastic way to buy & sell for kids!!! Thank you for sharing this and I will definitely be checking it out!
I love finding ways to make/save on my kids’ clothes! With three kids under 6, I feel like I’m constantly buying clothes, definitely going to check them out! Thanks!
I am going to check this out! I spend a small fortune on clothes for my little one so I am all for saving some money!
I’ve never heard of this site before. Thanks for sharing! I have plenty of baby clothes I need to pass on and my kids are growing like weeds so I know I’ll soon need more clothes for them in larger sizes.
There’s another site that’s similar to this, it’s called
I know a site similar to this. It’s Preluved, you can check this out and discover how easy to buy and sell kids used clothes in their site.