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A credit card with training wheels

teaching kids about money

Helping Guide Your Kids to Financial Independence

Does your daughter ever look at you less like her M.O.M. and more like her A.T.M.? If it seems like every time you turn around you’re reaching into your wallet to give your kid a little cash then the Bill My Parents SpendSmart card is the perfect solution. It’s basically a pre-paid debit card that also works at ATMs and lets you fund it the from your credit card or bank account. You can add money in on a weekly or monthly basis, or just as needed for her desperate quest for the perfect pair of jeans. You get notified when purchases are made and, because it’s a debit card she can’t spend more than she has, which not only teaches her to make better financial decisions, but also doesn’t risk her credit rating.

Easy Peasy for them – Safe for you

It’s taken everywhere Mastercard is accepted and there is a nominal monthly, reload and ATM fee. Best of all, if it ever gets stolen or you see that she’s shopping like a Kardashian you can shut down that card faster than you can say, “OMG!”

So teach your kids how to spend responsibly and keep them out of your wallet.

What do you think?

Ok – Confession time. When I was in high school, I didn’t always spend the money that my parents gave me the way that they had intended it to be used. They’d give me lunch money for the week… I’d eat a granola bar instead, and save it for the weekend to go out with my friends. And I was a GOOD kid, lol. Imagine what the bad kids are saving up their money for, right? That’s what makes this such an awesome tool for parents – it gives you a way to monitor what your kids are up to, and where they’re spending their money – without getting too nosy.

More Great Ways to Use a PrePaid Card for Kids

This would be so helpful for tons of other situations too – Babysitters, the kid who mows your lawn, giving a tip to your paper boy/girl… You’d just give them a card, and auto-load it with payment instead of always trying to remember to have cash on hand. If you’ve used this, leave a comment and let me know what you think, and how it worked for you! And for more great tips – Follow my Smart Solutions and Tech Made Simple boards on Pinterest too! Rocks!

Digitwirl is the weekly web show that offers simple solutions to modern day problems. In 3 minutes, Digitwirl brings busy women the very best time, money, and sanity-saving technology, and then teaches them how to use it, step-by-step. Digitwirl was created by technology lifestyle expert Carley Knobloch, who uses lots of technology to manage her busy life as mom of two and entrepreneur. Become a subscriber to get weekly show alerts and exclusive deals at, or follow Digitwirl on Twitter at @digitwirl.



  1. I’ve been seriously considering something like this for my teenage daughter. My son has a job so no worries there but she thinks I am a bank no matter where we go!

  2. I love the concept! Great for those who like to spend a lot!

  3. I am so happy my daughter is not there yet, but it is never too early to start learning

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