The Swagger Wagon
This is the Official Toyota Music Video for the Sienna SE. “You get it for space. But fill it with your family’s swagger.” Why can’t more companies make commercials this good? And who knew that moms with minivans could be this funny?
Greatest. Car. Commercial. Ever.

Hi! I also used the video idea!! Thanks for this!
My kids are all grown up and I STILL love it. LoL!
Great ad, I enjoyed that, thanks for sharing!
Oh gosh this is hilarious!!!!
This was too funny. Cute. By the way, I stumbled you. My link is
Thanks Bertha! Headed over to check out your post too!!
Just TOO much! :-)
(yet another vehicle I’m just not “cool” enough to drive… )
I love this video! It is hilarious! I actually own a Sienna – need to start calling it my Swagger Wagon. LOL
I’m stumbling your post!
I remember seeing that last year! SO hilarious.