Every girl dreams of receiving that ultra special Little Blue Box from the person she loves. You can blame Audrey Hepburn I suppose. To help you with your Valentine’s Day this year, some friends and I got together and we are giving away…
$200 Tiffany’s Gift Card!!
Use the easy peasy Rafflecopter form below to enter!
Open to US and Canada only (Canadians please see note below). Void where prohibited. Ends February 7 at 11:59pm EST.
**Note: If the winner is a US resident, the prize is a $200 GC. Canadians, due to Gift Card restrictions, the prize if the winner is Canadian is a Return to Tiffany Double Heart Tag Pendant (Picture is located above- price value is the equivalent of $200 USD)**
Thank you for this awesome opportuninity !!
I’m feelin lucky ;).
I would love to enter,but what’s a rafflecopter? I’m on my iPad I don’t see any way to enter the contest. I am a FB though.
Thanks! I need something to brighten up my “blue” mood.