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Little Blue Box Giveaway Event – Ends 2/7

Every girl dreams of receiving that ultra special Little Blue Box from the person she loves. You can blame Audrey Hepburn I suppose. To help you with your Valentine’s Day this year, some friends and I got together and we are giving away…

$200 Tiffany’s Gift Card!!

Gift Card to Tiffany's

Use the easy peasy Rafflecopter form below to enter!

Open to US and Canada only (Canadians please see note below). Void where prohibited. Ends February 7 at 11:59pm EST.

Jewelry from Tiffanys

**Note: If the winner is a US resident, the prize is a $200 GC. Canadians, due to Gift Card restrictions, the prize if the winner is Canadian is a Return to Tiffany Double Heart Tag Pendant (Picture is located above- price value is the equivalent of $200 USD)**

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Feeling lucky? Check out this great contest, and the other giveaways in my sidebar too – The more you enter, the more chances you have to win! Good luck!



  1. Thank you for this awesome opportuninity !!

  2. Allison Deutsch says

    I’m feelin lucky ;).

  3. I would love to enter,but what’s a rafflecopter? I’m on my iPad I don’t see any way to enter the contest. I am a FB though.

  4. Durinda Wilkinson says

    Thanks! I need something to brighten up my “blue” mood.

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