“There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill
Moms: You do so much for everyone else – year ’round, and especially at the holidays. So, MasterCard decided you deserve to get a little something nice too! Their Here’s to Mom promotion is a quick and easy way to get rewarded for all of the nice things you’re already doing this holiday season – Keep reading for the details!
“It’s not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.” – The Golden Girls
Here’s how it works – If you’re like me, you probably love doing as much shopping as you can online, to avoid the crowds, the cold, and the crazy! And now, when you shop for your families gifts online with your MasterCard, you can earn a free bonus just for you! Yep, when you spend $200 or more online with your MasterCard, they’ll send you a $20 Gift Card that you can spend on a little something nice for yourself. Super fun, right?
“I know how to do anything – I’m a Mom.” – Roseanne Barr
How to Get Started: You have to register your card first, before your spending can count towards the $200. To register, simply go to their website – Here’s to Mom MasterCard Promotion – Add your info and card number, submit, done! It’s seriously so quick and easy. You can shop anywhere online that MasterCard is accepted, and spend any way you want – One BIG purchase, or a ton of little ones – and as soon as your total reaches $200, you’ve earned your freebie. This promotion is valid until December 31, 2011 – so you can earn with your post-holiday clearance purchases too!
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” – Hamilton Wright Mabie
My very favorite part of the holidays is getting those perfect gifts that make the kids light up when they open them. Last year was Abby’s first Christmas – and we got her this amazing bouncy car. Daddy cut custom-made vinyl to add her name to the bumper too. She totally squealed with little-baby excitement when she saw it!! That was the very best part of my entire day. So this year, Grandma got her a super cute pink-plush rocking horse, that makes horsey sounds – and we got her a Tricycoo, that she can use now and grow into over the next year. I can’t wait until Christmas morning – and it’s awesome that our holiday toy spending can earn me a free gift card too!
Remember –
Register your MasterCard today! This offer is valid until 12/31/11.
{This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. All opinions, ideas, and photos are totally mine – Happy Holidays!}

I love that gifts too…my kids faces are priceless!