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Newest #BlackFriday Shoppapalooza Store: Old Navy!!

Black Friday to Cyber Monday: Online-Only Shoppa-palooza!!

I told you guys last night that this year, I’m ONLY shopping from home, in the comfort of my PJ’s – I’ll skip the cold, the crowds, and the crazy!! That means I’ll be posting the best deals ALL WEEKEND – so stay tuned!! And if you find any super awesome coupon codes, special buys, or anything else cool you want to share – stop by my Facebook wall and leave your best finds, so we can all get some amazing deals this weekend!! Now – let’s get going on the next big deal….

Old Navy Gobblepalooza!!

Old Navy is another of my VERY favorite stores – and I love that I can get clothes for all of us in one spot. They have a huge range of sizes, the quality is great, and the sales are super awesome. And this HUGE Black Friday sale event is definitely one you want to check out.

Here’s how to maximize your Old Navy savings:

  • 1. Start your shopping at – {if you don’t have an account yet, it takes just a sec to set up.} By starting at zuuzs, you’ll be earning cash back on your purchase – which is like getting PAID to shop this weekend! And when you share great deals with your friends and family, you can earn even more – see for details!
  • 2. Once you’re at, type Old Navy into the search box, then click to start shopping! It’ll take you directly to Old Navy, and you shop just like you normally would. Some of my favorite deals: The $5 sections!! From men and women, to baby and kids – you’ll find graphic tees and fleece accessories, all for $5 bucks!
  • 3. Never ordered online at Old Navy before? Scroll to the bottom of the page, and sign up for their email newsletters. They’ll send you out an email with a coupon code for your first purchase.
  • 4. While you wait for your coupon code, keep shopping. Stock up on holiday gifts, and winter essentials like coats and gloves, to get totally FREE shipping on all orders over $50!!
  • Or – Old Navy is offering 30% off with code HUGECYBER today only!!!
  • 4. Check out with your new member coupon code, get FREE shipping on orders over $50, smile because you didn’t have to wait in a HUUUUGE store line, and know that in a day or two, zuuzs will credit your cash back to your account! Easy peasy, super savings, what could be better??

More deals are coming your way today…. Stay tuned!! You can sign up for my email updates, follow me on Twitter, and be friends on Facebook – I don’t post everything I find to every site, so the more ways you’re following, the more sweet savings you’ll see! And if you have deal-lovin’ friends, share this post on your own social media pages. Because remember…

Friends Don’t Let Friends Pay Full Price!!


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