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Busy Mom Solution: Switch your Sippy Cups from Plastic to Stainless Steel

Kid Basix Product Line

The Challenge:

As moms, we want the best for our kids. That means the healthiest foods, the best new educational toys, and the safest products available. I’m sure you’ve heard the scary reports in the news about the potential dangers of the BPA that’s in many common plastic kids items – but maybe you’re not sure what your other options are. I mean, most sippy cups are plastic, the water bottles you buy at the mini-mart are plastic, and so many kids sports bottles are plastic too. Where do you find better products to switch to? That’s where Kid Basix come to the rescue!

Why Kid Basix is a great Busy Mom Solution:

“At Kid Basix, we started a revolution when we rethought the sippy cup and created the Safe Sippy™ no-spill bottle from clean, non-leaching stainless steel. But while BPA-free products are still important to parents, the world is changing. Safety, value, the environment – they are all important now. And Kid Basix will continue to be at the forefront of that conversation as we !rethink: EVERYTHING.”

The Safe Sippy2 in use

7 Reasons we LOVE Kid Basix:

  1. There is something for everyone! Kid Basix has the Safe Starter for babies from 0-6 months, the Safe Sippy and Safe Sippy2 for toddlers, and the Safe Sporter bottles for athletic kiddo’s ages 4 and up.
  2. They are safe! You can read more about the possible dangers in kids plastic products, and why stainless steel is such a great option. A few important facts – Stainless steel oes not interact with the foods and fluids it comes into contact with; meaning that what you put into the container is exactly what you get out of it, no chemicals. Plus, it’s one of the most recycled materials on the planet, making it a great “green” choice.
  3. They are fun! The Safe Sippy2 that we received to try out is Abby’s new favorite cup. It’s easy and comfortable for her to hold, and it’s cute as can be! Everywhere that we go, people ask us where we got it – most people aren’t aware that you can get stainless steel sippy cups.
  4. They are convenient! I love that the Safe Sippy2 comes with a lid that snaps on secure – so that I can throw this in the diaper bag – and no leaks! And, because it’s stainless steel like my own favorite water bottles, it keeps drinks super cold. The outer sleeve helps keep little fingers from getting too cold when holding the bottle – and helps to keep it cold longer too!
  5. They are easy to clean! The Kid Basix products are all dishwasher safe – I’d recommend using the top rack – and remove the small parts first. {Great tip: Pick up a Munchkin Dishwasher Basket for less than $5 bucks – makes it SO much easier to clean all of those little parts in the dishwasher!} You don’t even have to take the outer sleeve off – but you probably will want to remove it once in awhile, just to clean inside of it. {Toddlers get sticky stuff in the most amazing places, lol.}
  6. They are budget-friendly! The Safe Sippy2 comes with a straw adapter – so when your little one is ready to upgrade to a straw-style “Big Kid” cup, you don’t have to run out and buy a new one.
  7. They are parent invented! “Our founder created The Safe Sippy cup because he knows how dangerous plastics are, and it drove him crazy that he was giving his two year old son water every morning in a cup made from toxic chemicals.”

Where to buy Kid Basix:

Learn more about the great line of Kid Basix products on their website, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on cool new products and promotions, like their weekly weekly Fab Friday discount of 20% off select products from their website!!

You can order any of the amazing products from Kid Basix on their site, or find them on Amazon if you’re like me, and use your Swagbucks for Free Amazon Credits….

The Safe Starter by Kid Basix – Ages 0-6 months.

The Safe Sippy 2  – The one we have!

The Safe Sporter Bottle – Great for big kids.

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Then be sure to leave a helpful comment on Amazon, to let other moms know what a great product these are, or stop by their Facebook page to tell them how much they rock!


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