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Munchkin Bunch Contest Update!! #baby #contest

At the beginning of September, I got this SUPER EXCITING letter-

Hi Meagan,

Congratulations, your baby is a finalist in The Munchkin Bunch!

Out of 3,500 entries, your little one stood out and represented a little bit of Munchkin – fun, happy, giggling, cute, clever and excited! Voting is now open and only five of the ten finalists will become a part of The Munchkin Bunch. Please visit our Facebook page to vote for your little one and encourage all of your friends and family to vote because every vote counts. Voting ends on 10/1.

See your cutie on our Munchkin Bunch tab: Munchkin Bunch Voting.


Your Friends at Munchkin

How Amazing is this, right??

So, I shared the info with EVERYONE, and we were in first place for most of the month!! But– I’ve had some stressful stuff I’ve been dealing with, and kind of dropped the ball– and we’re now in THIRD place! We only need to be in the top 5, and it’s ALMOST over, but there are a few other cute kiddo’s who are VERY close to beating us too!

So- Mom to Mom, I ask you guys for a favor–


It will only take you a minute- click that voting link, then click on her picture. You can click 5 times to give her a total of FIVE whole votes each day!! It would mean the world to us to win this…. It comes with a college scholarship for Abby too.

Vote for Abby Piper

If you need MY help with anything important to you too- leave me a comment here and I’ll return the favor! You guys have always been the most supportive group of fans, and make what I do here every day that much more amazing! I appreciate your help with this– and hopefully in a few days I’ll be able to announce that Abby is a part of the new Munchkin Bunch!!



  1. Thanks for the reminder to vote! i do it whenever I see your reminder, but can’t remember on my own. So keep letting us know!

    good Luck!

  2. She’s a doll! I voted for her :)

  3. She’s gorgeous! My friend’s baby also won the top 5 :) Congratulations to you!!!

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      How exciting!! Which one of the other cutie pies did you know?? They are all so cute, and it was really fun– I’m excited to get to know some of the other parents now too!

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