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FREE Jeans on Facebook!

I know what you’re saying. You’re saying “NO WAY?” And to that I answer, “YES WAY”!!

How do you get them?? Follow these steps:

  • Head over to the Denizen American Facebook page. {Denizen Jeans are part of the Levi Company.}
  • “Like” their page, and enter your info.
  • The, wait to see what you will get! Some people have gotten FREE jeans, others got FREE gift cards. Me? I got a mail-in rebate form. So I’ll have to figure out where they sell these.
  • Everyone wins something!

What did YOU win? Come back and let me know!

Beyond the Rack



  1. Rhonda Gardner says

    I also got the rebate… says they are sold only at Target and…..thanks for the heads up!

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