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{Giveaway} Win a Black & Decker Steam Mop!

Your housekeeping routine is about to get a little bit hot and steamy…

I’m a Cheating Housewife.

I hate mopping. HATE it. Always have. But I am a bit obsessed with cleanliness. Ok, maybe a lot of obsessed. So, when the Swiffer first came out, I was in heaven. FINALLY, I thought, a new way to keep my floors clean without the mess and frustration of a mop and bucket. And yes, the Swiffer worked good… But it didn’t work great.

Things are getting steamy…

Then, I was contacted by Black & Decker, to see if I’d be interested in trying out their new Steam Mop, and sharing my opinions of it with you guys. I’d been eyeing these for awhile, but after having such high hopes for the Swiffer, and being a bit let down, I was a little  hesitant.

Then the steam mop arrived. And I thought, well, I’ll just give it a try- and the cheating began. It was just going to be a casual fling, I thought I might go back to the Swiffer if this didn’t work out… But my oh my, I fell in love. Yes, my affair with the steam mop has turned into a long-term commited relationship. This is one of the greatest cleaing tools that has ever come into my life. Seriously.

See it in Action:

Steam Mop, How do I Love Thee? Let me Count the Ways…

  1. Economical: Unlike a Swiffer, you don’t need to spend big bucks on cleaning fluid refills or cloths and pads. The Black & Decker Steam Mop uses just water, and comes with 3 reusable pads. When they get dirty, you simply throw them in the wash! Easy peasy.
  2. Good with Kids: This is EXTREMELY important for me. I have a baby who crawls around on the floor all day. If a product is toxic enough that it needs to be locked in a cabinet, then why would I want to use it on the floor that she is playing on? I love that the Steam Mop gets rid of 99.9% of germs with just water!
  3. It’s got sweet moves: I can’t even tell you how awesome the swivel action is on this Steam Mop! It tilts all the way down flat to reach under furniture, swivels around cabinets without any work at all, can sneak right around corners and into tight spaces…. Very impressive.
  4. It gets the job done: Not only does it have all of these cool features… It has serious cleaning power too! Our floors get super dirty, super quick. The kitchen is our most used room, and has two doors that lead to the deck outside. There are 5 dogs, 2 boys, a baby, and 3 adults in this house…. You can imagine how messy it gets in here! But this Steam Mop cleaned the floors so easily… It honestly is so simple to use, and does an uh-MAY-zing job.

Win one of your own!

This is my very first Rafflecopter giveaway! If you have ANY problems at all, please let me know right away!!



  1. PROBLEM! Rafflecopter just won’t load.

  2. How do I enter? I seem to be having trouble. help! connie danielson.

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      What browser are you using?? I’m not sure why you can’t enter…. Tell me a little more??

  3. Margaret Presley says

    Would love to have this super mop. Thanks for the entry

  4. i LOVE rafflecopter (i found this giveaway via their fb page) im having problems with the link for liking b&d on twitter though it doesnt seem to work correctly. On other rafflecopters ive done its just a follow button i have to click and it works.

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      Thank you SO much for letting me know! I’ll check it out. This is my first time using Rafflecopter, so I want to get lots of feedback to make sure I get it all correct… I love it too, and want to start using it for all of my giveaways. Sooooo much easier!

  5. Jennifer says

    I would love this! I’ve been wanting one for awhile now. How do you enter? Do I just leave this comment and that’s it? I didn’t see any instructions, but this is usually how it works. Let me know if there’s anything else I need to do.

  6. Jennifer says

    Nevermind…I see it now. For some reason it didn’t show up before. Hmmm…

  7. Lynda Clark says

    Hi, I tried entering this on Rafflecopter, but about half of the buttons won’t work for me, I was able to bypass most of them except the Twitter one, so I am posting the URL here since the Tweet portion of the form on rafflecopter won’t open. I could get rafflecopter to load, but several of the buttons won’t work. I am using Google Chrome as my browser and it has been working for other rafflecopter giveaways that I have entered today, so there must be a glitch on this one.
    Tweeted this giveaway @lyndacooks!/lyndacooks/status/96351080954335232

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      Thank you so much for letting me know Lynda!! I think I’ve gotten the bugs worked out on the Twitter part… If anyone else has trouble, please let me know!! It worked when I tried it.

  8. I hope to win this…it would be great to use on my tile!! Especially with all the traffic my poor floor gets everyday!!
    thanks for the opportunity!!

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      My poor floor is the same way :) But this thing is so super easy to use, and really gets the dirt off quick. I seriously can’t even tell you how much I love it!

  9. Jennifer Clay says

    The only problem I had was with the twitter entries…Does not show.

  10. Susan Ladd says

    Hope to win :)

  11. Nicole Stiers says

    Problem. Rafflecopter won’t load for me on Firefox or IE. I haven’t had problems on other giveaways, so I don’t know what’s going on. Would love to enter this, though!

  12. Nicole Stiers says

    Nevermind…now it loaded. Strange! lol

  13. Teresa Parsley says

    It doesnt show what to do to enter so here’s my entry! Like on FB!

  14. I’d love to win this Black & Decker Steam Mop! Great giveaway, thank you! Oh, I also love Rafflecopter for giveaways!

    You’re invited to list your giveaways at abitosunshine! I have already added this one for you!

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      Thanks so much Ruthi! I must have missed your comment before… I just saw it today :) I’m gonna head over in a bit and add my other Rafflecopter Giveaways… You are such a sweetie for adding this one for me!!

  15. Great giveaway! Rafflecopter worked fine:)

  16. Would Love to win Black & Decker Steam Mop! Great giveaway, thank you! Oh, thanks for telling me about Rafflecopter for giveaways!

  17. says

    would love to have 1 of those

  18. janice joyner says

    I would love this mop! I too hate to mop but this looks so easy!

  19. Elizabeth Navarro says

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this great prize. I have a little crawler too and this would be awesome as I also hate to mop!!

  20. Shirley Hicks says

    i dont see any entry form ..or rafflecopter????
    would love to win this….my floor could sure use some

  21. Carol Bryant says

    No raffle coptor. I use Firefox. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. Paula Hafner says

    If you use Foxfire, you have to allow No Script for the Rafflecopter form to work. It’s a security setting on Foxfire. It’s usually a red S with a line through it. Hover the curser over it and then allow the blog. Also allow Rafflecopter. The form should load after that.

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says


      Thank you SO much for this advice! I have a lot of people who have told me that they couldn’t see it, and that must be why. Now I have an answer to give them :)

  23. Amber Dyer Atwat says

    Omg! I am so happy that I won!!!!!! I sent you my info just now. My daughter is so happy that we are getting this since her job is to clean the floor, she and I are picky in how it gets clean and so its on hands and knees that is the way we clean our floors. the mop just pushes it around haven’t had a mop in , well I don’t remember we tried the swiffer but not happy with it. So for us its a bucket, and cloth and soap and cleaning she goes. So on behalf of her I’m saying thank you. It looks easy I hope that maybe I will be able to use it but since my health prob I haven’t been able to clean like I want because of a foot that keeps breaking but it looks easy to do. so again ty so much

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      I’m SOOOO happy for you!! You really will love this Steam Mop! It is one of my favorite products, ever.

  24. I really need a steam mop with three pugs and two men.this would cut my cleaning in half and what a clean home I’d have

  25. It would cut my cleaning time and how clean my home would be if I won one

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