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{Free Baby Sleep Tool} Is Your Baby Getting the Sleep they Need?

With a nightly routine, there's more time to dream - Help your baby sleep better

Free Baby Sleep Tool from Johnson’s Baby

I found this on the Johnson’s Baby website today, and I think it is the coolest thing…Free Baby Sleep Tool.

“With the Customized Sleep Profile from Johnson’s, you’ll get a complete report on the details of your baby’s sleep patterns, with customized recommendations on how to improve the quality of his sleep.”

You answer a bunch of questions about your baby’s sleep patterns… Things like, how many naps does she take, and for how long? Where does she sleep at night? How long does it take to go to sleep, and what time do you start a bedtime routine?

Personalized Information

After answering all of the questions {it’s pretty detailed, but takes less than 5 minutes} you get a personalized chart of info about your baby. You can see how her sleep habits compare to other babies her age, and whether she is getting more or less than average.

It also shares tips to help you get your little one off to sleep quicker and easier, based on the answers to the earlier questions.

Super Helpful!

I loved this. As a new{ish} mom, I still feel so lost sometimes. I’m never quite sure about things like, How much should baby be eating at this age? How many snacks are ok? Is it time to wean off the bottle now? Is she sleeping enough? I didnt’ have any experience with babies AT ALL when I had Abby, so we’re learing together :)

For more helpful tips and tools…

See a couple of my favorite sites, Planning Family, and Baby to Bee. Both offer loads of free samples and cool offers for new moms, as well as tons of great information to answer your questions!



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