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Two Great Photo Deals to Choose From!

Have you used Canvas People to get a FREE canvas yet?

This is the print that I got of my daughter… The quality really impressed us, and I am SO glad that I tried them out!

The photo is printed onto the canvas, and you can add different finishes or techniques if you’d like to jazz it up a bit. Then the canvas is stretched around a frame, so that the picture wraps around the sides, which looks really cool.

It even comes with a package with everything that you need to hang it, as a FREE bonus!

Right now you choose between two different deals at Canvas People. You can get the original 8×10 canvas FREE, or upgrade to a larger size, or add other stuff like sepia tones, and get a FREE $50 credit towards your final price.

These are SO worth getting, seriously. I get compliments on my print EVERY time someone comes to visit, and I’ve gotten a couple of these to give as gifts too.

Check them out and get YOUR free print too!


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