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How to Get FREE Old Navy Clothes!!

I just got this AMAZING package in the mail today from Crowdtap and I am SO excited! It’s even better than I had expected.

Party Host…

I applied to host an Old Navy Shorts Party, and was so excited when I found out I was picked for this event! I’m new to Crowdtap, and this is my first product party. I expected a few coupons, since it had stated the party would be for me and 3 friends. But this package is sweeeet.

Free Spring Stuff…

The {super duper amazing} Crowdtap sent me a coupon that I can use to not only get FREE shorts, but also a FREE spring top AND a FREE spring accessory, no price limit!! AND… I have three coupons to give to my girlfriends to come and try on the fun new Old Navy Spring Fashions with me!!

Awesome, right?

So, I seriously reccommend that you join Crowdtap today! You earn cash points for doing quick polls, participaing in discussions, and giving your feedback to brands that need it.


Then you can redeem those cash points for Amazon Gift Cards, and they also donate a portion to a charity of your choice, which I think rocks.

Sign up now!!

And you get to apply to host product parties like this one!! So check it out, and join me at Crowdtap, you’ll love it!

{P.S…. If you’re a fan of FREE Amazon Gift Certificates, which I assume you are, then make sure to check out Swagbucks too, that’s how I get most of my Amazon freebies!}


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