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The Spring Flowers Beauty Bag Giveaway! {$80 Value!}

You’ve been waiting for it, and here it is….

The Spring Flowers Beauty Bag Giveaway! {$80 Value!}

This giveaway is packed full of so much great stuff! I’m super excited to give all of this away to one of my {AMAZING} fans!! 

One lucky fan will WIN all of this:

  • The new Spring Tote Bag from Bath & Body Works, lined in pink gingham.
  • THREE Full Size Bath & Body Works products! Body Lotion, Shower Gel, and Fragrance Mist from the new Country Chic Collection!
  • THREE Purse-sized Fragrance Sprays, in P.S. I Love You, Apricot Vanilla, and Orange Sapphire! (three of my favorites!)
  • A set of 4 fun Spring Votive Candles from one of my favorite companies, PartyLite!
  • A super cute make-up bag (yup, the Sonia Kashuk one from Target!) filled with over 10 great beauty samples and product mini’s!
  • A Bath & Body Works bath pouf with fun spring gingham trim!

This is such a great, fun prize for one of you lucky Sunshine and Sippy Cups fans!!

How do you win?

Like always, to enter any giveaways on Sunshine and Sippy Cups, you must follow my blog with Google Friend Connect or sign up as an email subscriber. {As an email subscriber, you’ll get ONE email each day, with all of the updates from that day, so you never miss any great deals!}

Mandatory Entry:

Leave me a comment letting me know how you follow my blog, and make sure to include an email address that I can reach you at if you’re the lucky winner!

Bonus Entries:

1. Join the fun on the Sunshine and Sippy Cups Facebook page! Leave one comment letting me know we’re fb friends!
2. Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter! Then leave me ANOTHER new comment letting me know that you are following me!
3. Share this giveaway with your friends! You can share on Facebook, Twitter, your own Blog, or anywhere else online! Every time you share the contest link , come back and leave me a new comment with a link to where you posted the contest!! You can share it up to TWICE each day!!
4. Sign up for the super fun updates over at Open Sky and then leave me another NEW comment letting me know which Open Sky category is your favorite!!

Ready to get your entries in??

Remember, leave a new, SEPERATE, comment for EACH entry! If you leave one comment telling me you follow with GFC, are a fan on facebook, and follow on Twitter, then you only have ONE entry! And you don’t want that, right? :) So leave seperate comments each time to max out your entries in this awesome giveaway.

My Birthday Party:

This month is my birthday… on May 22nd I will be 31 years old!! Wow, right? So, to celebrate, I’m going to be giving away a bunch of prizes that day!! This contest will end on Saturday the 21st, and I’ll draw the winner on my birthday. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email for an alternate will have to be drawn (bummer!) so make sure to stay tuned! And look forward to a few more giveaways the next two weeks too, all ending on my birthday!

Sorry Canada:

And, I apologize to my Canadian fans, but this open to U.S. Residents only, 18+. It’s not because I don’t love you guys {because I do!}, it’s just because I supply and ship most of the prizes in my giveaways, and can’t afford to send out of the country. But soon I hope to open them up to you guys too!




  1. Hey thank you for the AMAZING giveaway so very kind of you HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY:)!!! I follow you via GFC emmybear411 THANK YOU:D!!!

  2. Hey Again(:
    THANK YOU again for the INCREDIBLE giveaway I follow you on twitter emmybear411(:!!!

  3. Faustina Allen says

    I follow you on facebook!

  4. Madelyn says

    I follow you via Google Friend Connect..great giveaway!

  5. Kimberly L says

    I follow you via GFC

    Brn2lisn (at) gmail dot com

  6. Kimberly L says
  7. Kimberly L says

    We are FB Friends: FB name Kim Dunham

  8. Susie Jonak says

    I follow your Blog :)

  9. Susie Jonak says

    I follow you on FB :)

  10. Nicole Carter says

    I follow you via GFC

  11. Nicole Carter says

    I follow you on Facebook
    Nicole Carter

  12. Nicole Carter says

    I follow you on Twitter

  13. Nicole Carter says
  14. Nicole Carter says
  15. Amanda Koopman says

    I follow you with GFC!

    amandajkoopman at gmail dot com

  16. THANK YOU again for the INCREDIBLE giveaway I follow you on twitter nickieisis3


  17. I follow you via GFC

  18. I follow you on FB

    nikki burke


  19. EMMA L HORTON says


  20. I follow your blog publicly with goole friend connect as Amber!

  21. I like you on Facebook – my FB name is Amanda Moore

  22. I shared this giveaway on Facebook, my FB name is Amanda Moore:

  23. I tweeted the giveaway to share, I’m @AmberGoo on Twitter:!/AmberGoo/status/67251480285020161

  24. kathy dunaway says

    I follow you via GFC. Thanks for the giveaway:)

  25. tracy davis says

    I follow you in GFC

  26. Paige Chandler says

    I follow on GFC. elysesw

  27. Great spring giveaway, I follow you on email, thanks.

  28. mary mcmenamy says

    i follow gfc mary

  29. mary mcmenamy says

    i follow you on twitter maryclean

  30. mary mcmenamy says

    i tweeted on twitter

  31. mary mcmenamy says

    i am a fb fan

  32. Katherine says

    GFC follower Kathy persons

  33. Katherine says
  34. Katherine says

    LIke you on FB
    kathy persons

  35. gfc follower-joann downie

  36. following on twitter @jbdownie

  37. Nicole Carter says
  38. Nicole Carter says
  39. I follow your blog via email.

  40. I follow your blog via GFC as Julie D.
    luckyjd2k at gmail dot com

  41. I follow you on twitter @giveawaysetc

  42. Monique Rizzo says

    I am a GFC follower.
    Thanks for the chance.

  43. Nicole C. says

    I follow on gfc.

  44. Charity S says

    Follow on GFC (charity/ccboobooy) Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  45. Charity S says

    Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook

    charity s

  46. Charity S says

    Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on twitter


  47. Charity S says
  48. New GFC follower.

    livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

  49. I like you on FB.
    Leslie M

    livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

  50. I follow you on twitter.

    livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

  51. shared on twitter.!/LLLwithLeslie/status/67657964198182912

    livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

  52. Nicole Carter says
  53. Nicole Carter says
  54. I follow you on gfc and now email.

  55. I am a new facebook fan.

  56. lauren chan says

    I follow you on GFC!
    -lauren chan

  57. lauren chan says

    I liked you on fb!
    -lauren chan

  58. I’m a friend on facebook as Mindy bl

  59. Carmen Martin says

    I follow you on FB and through email :)

  60. Amanda Kinder says

    I follow your blog!!


  61. Katherine says
  62. I just became a new follower via email. Thanks for the contest and looking forward to your posts.

  63. LisaMarie says

    Follow you via GFC

  64. gloria johnson says

    follower on GC

  65. I am a GFC follower(calvad)

  66. I follow you on FB!:)

  67. I also subscribe to your daily emails :)

  68. Sharing this on my FB page as well!
    Chris-Bonnie David

  69. Lee Ann K says

    I am an e-mail subscriber.

  70. Lee Ann K says

    I’m a friend on face book. Lee Ann Kaplan

  71. Lee Ann K says

    I also follow on twitter. rubies87

  72. I follow with gfc.

  73. Nicole Carter says
  74. Nicole Carter says
  75. New GFC follower and email subscriber:)

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  76. follow u on twitter: Jmatek

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  77. I follow with Google Friend Connect- maxfate, and I’m an email subscriber.

  78. I now Follow on Facebook (Mary Somerville)

  79. I’m following on Twitter (maxfate)

  80. Debra Hall says

    bath and body products have always been my favorite

  81. Debra Hall says

    im a facebook fan

  82. Katherine says
  83. I follow via GFC (ellie)
    eswright18 at gmail dot co

  84. I like you on FB (Ellie W)
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  85. I follow you on Twitter @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  86. gfc kendra22

    thanks for the chance

  87. follow u twitter kendra22007


  88. I follow you on GFC(kellyr78)

  89. I am a FB fan (kelly D)

  90. I follow you on twitter(kellywcu)

  91. Nicole Carter says
  92. Nicole Carter says
  93. Linda Lansford says

    I gfc

  94. follow blog jelaws5

  95. Tamara B. says

    I am a public follower Google Friend Connect.

  96. Tamara B. says

    Fan on your Facebook
    (Tamara Bennington)

  97. Tamara B. says

    Shared on my Facebook!/tamara.bennington


    I will celebrate the BIG “50” on the same date 5/22 sure wish I was 31 again :)

  98. Denise Bigley says

    I follow you on GFC

  99. Katherine says
    Daily Tweet @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  101. Nicole Carter says
  102. Nicole Carter says
  103. I follow your blog via email.
    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  104. I like you on FB (Kristen H)
    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  105. I follow you on Twitter (@aeris321)
    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  106. I tweeted!/aeris321/status/68871139270725632

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  107. I follow you on facebook :)

  108. follow on GFC as its just me

    itsjustme62613 at

  109. like you on facebook as Misty Sunrise and commented on your page

    itsjustme62613 at

  110. follow you on twitter from @mistysunrise

    itsjustme62613 at

  111. shared on facebook as misty sunrise

    itsjustme62613 at

  112. Jessica M says

    Hi! I just found your blog–so much fun! I follow you via email subscription. :)

    Jessica M.
    truebluejay (at) gmail (dot) com

  113. thanks so much for this great giveaway!
    I follow via GFC @Amateur Mommy

    hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

  114. i like you on FB @becky barrett beitzel

    hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

  115. i follow you on twitter @TheAmateurMommy

    hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

  116. Katherine says
  117. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/69033276093890560

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  118. Kory Morera says

    new follower! saw your post on the bath and body works page! <3 it!

  119. Kory Morera says

    follow your blog by email

  120. Kory Morera says

    fan on facebook Kory Morera

  121. Kory Morera says

    follow on twitter @kory6686


    I follow you threw e-mail!!! I love getting them!

  123. Tamara B. says

    Shared on Facebook 5/13!/tamara.bennington


  124. I follow you on Google Friend Connect as sweetsue.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  125. I follow you on twitter as ptowngirl.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  126. Birthday greetings ! Many happy returns of the upcoming day! I follow in GFC.
    Best wishes and thanks for generously sharing birthday goodies & joy with us with this giveaway!

  127. Wow! What a fantastic bag of goodness! Thank you so much for the chance! :) I follow via GFC (Username: wcc.)

  128. I like you on FB (username: Les C.)

  129. I follow on twitter (@whitechocolatec).

  130. Happy Early Birthday!!! My birthday is in May too (16th). It has been some time since I was 31 though. :) Thank you for sharing your birthday joy with us. I follow through GFC (kalea_kane).


  131. I follow you on Facebook (kelly blackwell)


  132. I also follow you on Twitter @kellyblackwell


  133. I shared your giveaway on Facebook (kelly blackwell).!/permalink.php?story_fbid=191991247514219&id=1513915940


  134. Shared via Twitter.!/kellyblackwell/status/69333676323897344


  135. Katherine says
  136. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/69422495081574402

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  137. DesireeRenee says

    i suscribe via email!

  138. DesireeRenee says

    i follow on twitter

  139. DesireeRenee says

    im a facebook fan!

  140. Joyce Harrell says

    GFC Follower

  141. Joyce Harrell says

    Liked you on Facebook

  142. Sandra V. says

    I follow you on facebook

  143. Sandra V. says

    I am an email subscriber.

  144. Tamara B. says

    Shared on Facebook 5/14!/tamara.bennington


    Daily Tweet @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  146. I follow you on facebook!

  147. I am a blog buddy!

  148. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/69571757987729408

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  149. kate daly says


  150. martha yusko says

    I been a follower on GFC

  151. martha yusko says

    Im already a fan of your facebook page (my url is myusko2)

  152. martha yusko says

    I been for awhile receiving your emails subscription

  153. martha yusko says

    Im already a follower on your twitter page (marthaishere)

  154. martha yusko says

    I tweeted about your giveaway (marthaishere)

  155. martha yusko says

    I shared your giveaway on my facebook page (my url is myusko2)

  156. martha yusko says

    I tweeted again which will be my 2nd time today about your giveaway (marthaishere)

  157. martha yusko says

    I shared again which will be my 2nd time on my facebook wall (my url is myusko2)

  158. martha yusko says

    I signed up for the super fun updates on Open Sky

  159. Dana West says

    Fab giveaway! Happy Early Birthday! I follow via GFC!
    Dana West

  160. Dana West says

    I like you on FB

  161. Dana West says

    I follow you on Twitter

  162. Dana West says
  163. Dana West says
  164. Katherine says
    Daily Tweet @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  166. Tamara B. says

    Shared on my Facebook 5/15!/tamara.bennington


  167. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/69805124406620160

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  168. Tamara B. says

    #2, Shared on my Facebook 5/15!/tamara.bennington


  169. Daily Tweet #2!/eswright18/status/69851618488754176
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  170. Daily Tweet #2!/aeris321/status/69873140322402304

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  171. Denise Bigley says

    I follow you on twitter @debigfrog

  172. martha yusko says

    I tweeted again today about your giveaway (marthaishere)

  173. martha yusko says

    I shared again about your giveaway on my facebook profile (my url is myusko2)

  174. martha yusko says

    I shared which will be my 3rd time sharing your giveaway on my facebook profile (my url is myusko2)

  175. Nicole Carter says
  176. Nicole Carter says
  177. Katherine says
    Daily Tweet @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  179. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/70108994693382144

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  180. martha yusko says

    I tweeted 2 times today (marthaishere)

  181. martha yusko says

    I shared your giveaway again which will be the 4th time on my facebook wall (my url is myusko2)

  182. Daily Tweet #2!/eswright18/status/70201229476761600
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  183. Jodie Roberge says

    I get your emails daily..Love them!

  184. Jodie Roberge says

    I follow you on facebook!

  185. I follow via GFC.

  186. I Signed up for the super fun updates over at Open Sky…Food is my favorite catagory.

  187. Daily Tweet #2!/aeris321/status/70236332898795520

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  188. Tamara B. says

    Shared on Facebook 5/16!/tamara.bennington


  189. I am an email subscriber to your blog.

  190. Katherine says
  191. martha yusko says

    I tweeted today which will be my 5th time (marthaishere)

  192. martha yusko says

    I shared today which will be my 5th time i share your giveaway on my facebook wall (my url is myusko2)

  193. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/70481829509079040

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  194. oh what a fun giveaway. thanks so much. I follow via GFC!

  195. Daily Tweet #2!/aeris321/status/70537023903109120

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

    Daily Tweet @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  197. Erica C. says

    I’m a GFC follower :)

  198. Follow you on GFC (katybaby)

  199. Like you on Facebook (Katy S)

  200. Follow you on twitter (@katyjv1988)

  201. Tamara B. says

    Shared on Facebook 5/17!/tamara.bennington


  202. Nicole Carter says
  203. Nicole Carter says
  204. What an awesome giveaway! Something for everyone (I love Partylite too!) .. and … I remember long ago when I hit my 30s .. whew! Still lots of fun living ahead, though! I’m a new GFC follower as jewelknits!


  205. Gina Bunster says

    Email subscribed! Thanks!

  206. Gina Bunster says

    Facebook friends! :)

  207. Katherine says
  208. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/70825238857916416

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

    Daily Tweet @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  210. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/70933808425340929

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  211. Tamara B. says

    Shared on my Facebook 5/18!/tamara.bennington


  212. Nicole Carter says
  213. Nicole Carter says
  214. gfc: ferriz


  215. fb fan: xferriza2 (Danielle b)


  216. twitter follower @xferriza2


  217. Katherine says
  218. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/71193481208541184

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  219. Sarah Matos says

    GFC Follower
    Sarah Matos

  220. danielle t says

    Subscribed to your email.

  221. danielle t says

    Like Sunshine and sippy cups on FB.

    danielle murray tallent

    Daily Tweet @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  223. Daily Tweet #2!/aeris321/status/71305837267783680

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  224. I follow your blog through GFC :)

  225. I like you on facebook.
    Chelsey V.

  226. I follow you on twitter.

  227. I signed up for Open Sky updates. My favorite category is Home and Design :)

  228. MelissaO says

    Already a GFC follower as Melissa O.!

    wolverina401 at

  229. Mandatory
    GFC Follower: Hoa
    Thanks for the giveaway!


  230. Liked Sunshine and Sippy Cups on FB: Hoa Le

  231. Following @SunandSipCups on Twitter @hle123.

  232. Tamara B. says

    Shared on Facebook 5/19!/tamara.bennington


  233. I am subscribed to Sunshine and Sippy Cups via email.

  234. I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect as Kristen L.

    P.S. Happy Early Birthday! I hope the day is wonderful!!

  235. Debbie C says

    I follow you on Google Friend Connect/Blogger. (Debbie C)

    dchrisg3 @ gmail . com

  236. Katherine P says
  237. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/71548752787275776

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  238. martha yusko says

    I shared again your blog on my facebook page
    (my url is myusko2)

    Daily Tweet @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  240. GFC Follower
    gkstratos at yahoo dot com

  241. Twitter follower @gkstratos

  242. Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups via GFC [Geraldine Sandoval]

  243. Follow SunandSipCups on twitter @Gerisandoval

  244. LIKE Sunshine and Sippy Cups on FB [Geri Sandoval]

  245. Tweet!/Gerisandoval/status/71617290084417537

  246. Shared on FB

  247. Daily Tweet 2!/aeris321/status/71626775381282817

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  248. Rebecca Peters says

    I follow on gfc!

  249. Rebecca Peters says

    I like you on fb.. Becca Ann Peters

  250. Rebecca Peters says

    I follow on twitter.. xxbeccaannxx

  251. following blog publicly via google reader
    How do people get the form to submit without including their email address? It’s a required entry on your form.

  252. Like sunshineandsippycups on FB
    betty dennis
    the link titled FB for the extra entry actually takes us to your twitter page

  253. following you on twitter

  254. tweeted about drawing!/bettycd/status/71642732761845761
    and happy birthday!

  255. I follow on facebook.

  256. amy harper says

    I follow you on twitter @ iHEAVENn

  257. amy harper says

    We’re face book friends

  258. Ashley HP says

    I follow your blog using my e-mail address, Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  259. Ashley HP says

    I like you on facebook! My e-mail is

  260. Sharon Heddle says

    I receive your daily emails

  261. Sharon Heddle says

    I follow you on facebook

  262. Hi I follow you with google!

  263. I also follow you on facebook! :)

  264. Nicole Carter says
  265. WhoooO! thanks! following google – ohmyitsjen

  266. Nicole Carter says
  267. no wait, it’s just Jen* sorry haha.

    following facebook!

  268. I shared on facebook.

  269. following on twitter! =)

  270. Stacey Harris Robertson says

    I follow you through Email

  271. Retweeted! (ohmyitsjen)

  272. I am following you on twitter! @Remondrop

  273. Stacey Harris Robertson says

    I follow you on Twitter as Peachgull

  274. Stacey Harris Robertson says

    I am a fan on Facebook

  275. Dara Nix says

    I have signed up as an e-mail subscriber!
    kitty32504 at cox dot net

  276. Dara Nix says

    I “like” Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook (Dara Nix)
    kitty32504 at cox dot net

  277. Dara Nix says

    I am following Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter (@Kitty32504)
    kitty32504 at cox dot net

  278. I follow on facebook

  279. Dara Nix says

    Tweeted giveaway here:!/Kitty32504/status/71670092026486784
    kitty32504 at cox dot net

  280. Also signed up for newsletters!

  281. Mary Ward says

    I follow on GFC. (mamie316)

  282. ashley r. says

    email subscriber!

  283. Angela Winesburg says

    Following via GFC, thanks!

  284. What a lovely prize package, and a lovely person to be giving it too. Happy Birthday also! I am follwing you via email subscription @

  285. Tamara B. says

    Shared on Facebook 5/20!/tamara.bennington


  286. Shared this on facebook. Karen Hughes

  287. I follow you on facebook and subscribe via email , on fb its

  288. I’m a google friend!

  289. I’m a Twitter follower (@emmycoffee)

  290. Happy early b-day!
    I follow you gfc: lovebeangirl

  291. I follow u on twitter under marieloya

  292. I follow via GFC.

  293. Melinda Gordon says

    I follow you on GFC (Melinda Gordon)
    Happy Birthday!!!

    melindasuegordon at gmail dot com

  294. thanks for such a great giveaway

  295. kim eddings says

    I am following your site on gfc.

  296. Tonya Dean says

    Wow!! Wonderful Stuff!
    GFC follower – Tonya Dean
    Thanks for the chance!


  297. I am a GFC follower under jenreco. reejen at comcast dot net

  298. Cindy T. says

    I follow by GFC. deedeebamagirl Thank you for the chance to win! deedeebamagirl at yahoo dot com

  299. Katherine says
  300. follow blog jelaw5

  301. like u on fb Julie S Laws

  302. Brittney says

    gfc follower (brittney p)
    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  303. Brittney says

    fb fan (brittney p)
    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  304. Daily Tweet!/aeris321/status/71932403572146177

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  305. Christal Couturier says

    GFC follower (willdebbie)

  306. I follow your blog!!!!

  307. I am an email subscriber

  308. Tiffanie Warnes says

    Awesome giveaway! I follow you on GFC and Facebook!
    Thanks so much!

  309. like you on FB .. new email subscriber .. ty =)

  310. Shannon Pickin says

    I follow on your blog

  311. Shannon Pickin says

    I follow on facebook

  312. Shannon Pickin says

    I follow on twitter

  313. tina reynolds says

    I follow your blog with gfc

  314. tina reynolds says

    like on facebook (mrstinareynolds

  315. tina reynolds says

    follow on twitter @eaglesforjack

  316. Susanne Nolan says

    I follow you on FB.

  317. Susanne Nolan says

    I follow your blog via email.

  318. Susanne Nolan says

    I follow you on Twitter. @NanaNolan

  319. Yadira Pelkey says

    follow you via facebook

  320. Yadira Pelkey says

    we are friends on facebook!

  321. Martha S. says

    I follow you on twitter @belody

  322. Martha S. says

    I’m a fan on FB

  323. Martha S. says

    Signed up for newsletter.

    Happpy birthday. Mine was last week.

  324. Martha S. says

    I belong to Open Sky

  325. Martha S. says
  326. I follow you!

    clarkmurdock at yahoo dot com

  327. Lyndsey R. says

    I am a follower.

    lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com

  328. Lyndsey R. says

    I like you on FB as Lyndsey Rullman.

    lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com

  329. Lyndsey R. says

    I am following you via Twitter as lyndsey1stunna

    lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com

  330. Amanda C says

    I am following your blog<3

  331. Tamara B. says

    Shared on Facebook 5/21!/tamara.bennington


    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and thank-you for the wonderful giveaway!

  332. following via gfc
    I would love to win!

  333. Nicole Carter says
  334. Nicole Carter says
  335. shared on facebook as misty sunrise

    itsjustme62613 at

  336. I follow via GFC as strawberry. Thanks for an awesome giveaway!
    sweetstrawberryjam at yahoo dot com

  337. I already like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on FB as Audrey F.
    sweetstrawberryjam at yahoo dot com

  338. I Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter as tartstrawberry.
    sweetstrawberryjam at yahoo dot com

  339. amy harper says

    I follow your blog on google friend connect

  340. amy harper says

    I follow you on twitter at iHEAVENn

  341. amy harper says

    We’re friends on facebook

  342. Katherine Dunn says

    gfc follower (katherine)

    kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com

  343. Katherine Dunn says

    facebook fan (kate dunn)

    kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com

  344. Katherine Dunn says

    twitter (kylienkate)

    kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com

  345. follow GFC and email

  346. like S&SC on facebook-lmurley2000

  347. follow S&SC on twitter-lmurley2000

  348. I am your newest follower!

  349. I follow you on gfc! stephanie

  350. I like you on facebook! stephanie a….

  351. I follow you on twitter! gnwg

  352. Stephanie A says

    Following you via GFC

    sassygirl4u27 at gmail dot com

  353. Stephanie A says

    following you on Twitter (sassygirl4u2)

    sassygirl4u27 at gmail dot com

  354. Stephanie A says

    Shared on Twitter!/sassygirl4u2/status/72044276145586176

    sassygirl4u27 at gmail dot com

  355. Stephanie A says

    like you on facebook

    sassygirl4u27 at gmail dot com

  356. patricia says

    I follow your blog via GFC

  357. Andrea Catron says

    We are FB friends!!!

  358. Kat Emerick says
  359. Veronica Garrett says

    I follow your blog with Google Friend Connect.

  360. Veronica Garrett says

    We are fb friends.

  361. Emma Peel says

    I follow u with gfc as Emma Peel

    Daily Tweet @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  363. Amanda Potts says

    I follow you on fb!

  364. Amanda Potts says

    I follow you on twitter!

  365. Amanda Potts says

    I shared on my fb Amanda Potts!

  366. I follow you on GFC (Karen).
    Thanks, Karen
    lemontart5kb at gmail dot com

  367. I follow you on twitter as: kapbaker
    Thanks, Karen
    lemontart5kb at gmail dot com

  368. Jill Myrick says

    I am following via Google Friends Connect.


  369. Jill Myrick says

    I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


  370. I follow on Facebook!

  371. I also follow via e-mail :)

  372. I follow your blog via GFC :)

  373. I like you on FB

  374. I follow you on twitter

  375. I follow with GFC.
    willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

  376. I like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook.

  377. I follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter as willitara.

  378. I am a GFC follower: Atreau.

  379. i follow you via Google Friend Connect…. Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

  380. Michelle Henriquez says

    I follow via GFC (Bakersdozen) and Happy Birthday!

  381. Marcy Strahan says

    I follow on GFC & Email subscribe

  382. Marcy Strahan says

    Sunshine and Sippy Cups Facebook friend!


  383. Marcy Strahan says

    Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter!


  384. Marcy Strahan says
  385. Marcy Strahan says
  386. I follow you on GFC

  387. I follow on twitter @mandabeard :-)))

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