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See if YOU Qualify for the $30 Survey too!

Big {THANK YOU!!} to Crazy Coupon Mommy for sharing this tip with me, or I would’ve missed it!! Be sure to check out her site too, she posts tons of great deals and freebies, you’ll love her!

If you’re a Toluna member, check your email to see if you have a NEW survey offer for a {super amazing!} 90,000 points, which would equal $30 cash!!!

If you use sites like Toluna, you can earn FREE checks just like me! {the picture above shows my recent checks from Toluna, Ebates, and Inbox Dollars.}

And if you’re not a member yet, you can sign up today to get in on the next big survey!

I used to spend a TON of time on these sites, and earned a lot of money each month. Not enough to get rich, lol, but a really nice bit of extra money.

Now that I have the kids all day, and have been working on this blog and a {soon, I hope!} future Etsy shop, I don’t have as much time. But when I do have a few minutes to myself in the evening, I’ll fill out 3 or 4 surveys, from a few different sites. Then, at least a couple times a month, I have sites that I can cash out on! THat makes for a steady stream of extra bucks!

It’s definitely best to use several sites, since you will be able to earn money quicker.

Here are a few that I use and have had a good experience with:

  • MyView: Share your Opinions! Earn great Rewards! Join the MyView Panel. Take Surveys & earn gift cards from top brands at MyView. MyView Sign Up.
  • Valued Opinions: Don’t give your opinions away, get paid for them! Valued Opinions Sign Up.
  • Swag Bucks: Do quick polls and surveys, search the web, and more. Earn Swag Bucks! Personally, I use all of mine for $5 Amazon gift cards, and earn one every week or two. They add up really quick! Swag Bucks Sign Up.

Have a great day!!


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