I LOVE hearing personal stories from you guys… And I always love to hear how different programs, companies, and services work for you guys. It’s not enough for just ME to love something, I want to know that it helps YOU too.
So I la la la looooved reading this really great story from Sunshine and Sippy Cups fan Dana Partaker about her experience with Credit Karma! Read it here:
“Several years ago I found myself in a messy divorce that sadly landed my credit in the garbage. I spent some time researching a way to monitor and improve my credit and came across Credit Karma. And from that day forward, it has changed my life!
The site is free to join, NEVER a fee or charge to review your scores,
monitor your credit, etc. I log on every month to check my score and ensure
my report is accurate. I have also utilized their “savings” suggestions and
have saved at least $500 on insurance(home and auto). And by monitoring my
credit and working to improve the huge financial burden that my ex-husband
“left” me, I was able to improve my score by 3 points in just a few months.
I continue to utilize them and my scores continue to improve.
I highly recommend this site for anyone and everyone that wants to take
control of their credit and stay “in the know”.
A Credit Karma Fan,
Dana Partaker
Awesome, right? If you want to learn more, check it out here…
Get signed up today!! I really feel SO strongly that this is an EXTREMELY important thing that every mom should do, and know exactly what is on that credit report! So check it out, and let me know what you think about it…. :)
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