If you are a Survey Spot member, check your email for a new product testing opportunity!
It will be a survey invite that says you will earn 50 points for a 5 minute survey…. I think that the email heading called it a “Unique Survey Invitation”, which almost always means something good!
The product test is for some type of cookie…. I didn’t qualify :( Bummer. But you might!! So hurry and get it submitted to see if they like you better than me, lol. But at least I got a sweepstakes entry for trying!
If you’re not using Survey Spot yet and would like to know more, read on….
Join SurveySpot and participate in online research studies that match your interests and demographics. Earn prize draw entries every time you participate in a survey, with a chance to win up to $12,000 in our quarterly prize draw. Click Here to join me at Survey Spot today!
Following from the FMC blog hop. This looks like a very interesting blog and I’m looking forward to reading more.