Want to know how I got THESE freebies?
{I got a little bit behind on this, so I’m sharing the days that I missed with you now today!}
Learn how I got these freebies in my mail:
- Being Girl Sample Kit: I got this little set with the girly products and Secret deodorant from an offer I found on Free Flys.
- P&G Coupon Book: Sign up for the mailing list over at P&G Everyday Savings to get these in your mail too! Bonus, they do Sampler Pack giveaways once a quarter, and you can request them once you’re signed up.
- Freschetta FREE coupon: Signed up for their newsletter at Freschetta.com, and sent them an email telling them I love their new pizza… Got a coupon to try another one free!
- Catalog: Signed up for this free catalog in an offer on Woman Freebies, and it came with a coupon for $10 off!
Thats how I got these freebies…. I hope that these daily tips help you guys learn how to get free stuff in YOUR mailbox every day too!!

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