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Help Feed Hungry Kids Just by Using Facebook!

Learn how YOU can help make a difference!


Vocalpoint presents their new program, Van Full of Cans! Read more:

The team at Vocalpoint is as passionate as you are about giving, so we decided to create an easy way to give back via our new program Van Full of Cans (VFOC). Through VFOC we are donating 1 canned good to our local food bank for every 100 members we have on the Vocalpoint Facebook page and will continue doing so until we reach 1 Million Facebook fans (that is 10,000 cans). Thanks to the 84,600 “likes” we already had on Facebook, we were able to make our first donation of 846 cans. Check out the hilarious and heartwarming video of our experience here.

I love it when a company makes it so easy and fun for people to help out a worth cause. I’ve heard so many stories from people who used to be the ones DONATING to the food banks, and now in this bad economy, they are having to visit those same food banks to get groceries for their family.

There are so many times you hear stories like that and say, “Well, what can I do to help?” Easy peasy pie. If you’d like to help keep little kiddo’s with full bellies, here is how you can help out your local food banks:

  • If you are a couponer, pick up a few extra freebies each shopping trip, and donate them once a month to your local food bank.
  • If you are a gardner, plant just a little extra in your vegetable graden this spring. Take what you don’t need to the food bank, or even bring it as a gift to a neighbor that you know is going through tough times. They’ll appreciate it!
  • If you’re a social media junkie, make sure you tell everyone you can to “like” the Vocalpoint Facebook page. “The more “likes” we have, the bigger the difference we’ll make in the world around us!”

So what are you waiting for? Go on over and “like” their page, and help get them to the goal of donating 10,000 cans of food! And, if Vocalpoint sounds like a cool company to you, make sure to go on over and sign up for their daily emails right now! gets you free samples, coupons, recipes, DIY ideas, beauty tips—endless gifts of knowledge to make you smile every day! Sign up today. Click Here.


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