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Spring Cleaning for New Mommys

Free Baby Stuff from Planning Family

I love Planning Family!! If you’re not signed up with them yet, you should check them out. They have links to lots of free offers for moms and babies, and so many helpful articles.

I wanted to share this one that came in todays daily email. Love it. Great tips!

The following article is from Planning Family, not written by me:

Spring cleaning! It’s the time of year when as everything starts to blossom and grow again many of us feel the urge to also tidy up. As a new mama, the thought of cleaning may be far down on the list. The first priorities are your baby, and of course you. Those two things can take up much of the day!

With a newborn in the home, you may feel like there is more clutter than ever. Did you ever think one little being could utilize so much gear?

If you are feeling the urge to get organized, but are feeling low on time and energy, there are still some things you can do. Remember, it all doesn’t have to be done today. It may take you more than one (or two) days to even figure out where to start. Baby steps are a good thing!

So, where to start? To get a jump on getting organized for spring, start with the basics:

  • Make a list. You have to start somewhere. Where will it be? What will be your priority? Your tasks can be as simple as cleaning off the kitchen counter, a basket by the couch, or the utility closet that hasn’t been touched since you moved in.
  • Conquer one task at a time. Although you may have great ambitions, start and succeed small. Remember, you may get limited amounts of time to work on a task and may have to start and stop working at a moment’s (or your newborn’s) notice. Go into a task remembering that even a small area may take you several times attempts (possibly over multiple days) to complete.
  • When you do work in an area, clear everything out. Make piles, sort items, and de-clutter!
  • Be prepared to downsize. Do you really need something? Consider donating unused items or put them away for a garage or yard sale to come (a big undertaking – don’t plan on tackling that one alone, especially as a new mama!).
  • Ask for and get help when you need it. Most folks are more than happy to help out a new mama. Your need may simply be for someone to hold your baby for a few minutes so that you have a little time to take on a task. Or, you may need a professional who can help tackle a task (there are even such things out there as professional organizers, if your budget allows!).
  • Celebrate your success. With each step you take, enjoy a moment to savor your accomplishment. A little step each day will equal a major spring-cleaning success in no time.

I know that all moms feel super busy, and it can be hard to find time to get spring cleaning tasks done. ESPECIALLY if you have a baby at home. But I also know that if you just MAKE the time to get things cleaned up and cleared out, it makes your days so much easier to manage! I hope these tips help you guys out too….

And for more, check out the Planning Family website here:

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