Everyone is always asking me, “How do you get so much FREE stuff??” Well, I sign up for a lot of newsletters that bring me a list of new freebies each day, which makes it really easy to quickly request lots of free goodies. Here is a quick list for you guys of some sites that I use… Sign up, and start seeing your mailbox fill up too!
You can check out my Facebook page to see pictures of the freebies I get in my mail each day! Plus, I post lots of deals there too.
Happy St. Patricks Day! Please tell me that you are a fan of Jib Jab?! We have so much fun making these videos! :) Go check them out and make your own FREE video today!
Toys R Us has a bunch of cool stuff going on… Shop in stores or online this Saturday, and get a FREE $20 gift card when you buy 2 boxes of Pampers, plus FREE shipping on any order over $75. And check out their giveaway on Facebook, one lucky fan will get $1,500!
Coupons.com just added a TON of new coupons, a bunch of really good ones. Check them out… There are so many that are $1.00 off or more! I’m getting better at couponing all the time, and this is such an easy way to clip ’em.
Freeflys has a bunch of new freebie offers right now too, so get signed up so you can check them out!! I found a free Dove deodorant, Lancome sample, Haagen-Dazs, and more. Make sure to check back with them often.
I just recently found Woman Freebies, and I love it. They send you a daily email with the newest freebies and giveaways. When you go sign up today, you can look through the freebies they have posted too. They never give you spammy type freebies, they’re great.
Viewpoints is offering a FREE sample of Tide Stain Release If you are not already a member of Viewpoints, I definitely reccommend that you sign up… I use this site so much! It is so helpful when researching new purchases, plus they do loads of product samples and giveaways.
The Ready to Eat newsletter is new, and very cool. During the quick sign up, you add your top three grocery stores, and they target their coupons and savings towards those! Sign up for coupons, freebies, and meal ideas.
Some quick links:
FREE {super cute} photo magnet when you sign up at Kodak. No purchase, just sign up!
FREE Coffee-Mate products! Apply to be a member of the Brew Crew for free stuff… I’ve done 3 house party style events, and get loads of freebies.
FREE Arm and Hammer Toothpaste ending soon!
FREE Glad Garbage Bags at Sams Club. Scroll to the bottom right to see the offer!
If you guys have any other great ideas to add, comment below!

I just stumbled upon this site and I gota say I LOVE IT already!! Everything from the cute little name to the contest and the tips to the freebie sites…WOW!! You are doing a great job! I have added it to my favorites and will be checking daily for updates & new stuff. In the mean time, I will be telling everone I know to check this out.
Thanks for your hard work & effort!
Amy Robbins
Thank you so much for the compliments! I’m glad you like it!
If you want to stay updated, you can sign up for email updates, its a box at the top right corner of the page, and then you’ll get a daily email with any new posts I’ve made :)