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HAPPYFAMILY $10,000 Scholarship Contest!

I love HAPPYFAMILY products!

This is a company that truly cares about making every baby a HAPPYBABY. They do that by providing parents with award winning baby foods, using environmentally safe packaging, and by partnering with Project Peanut Butter to help provide healthy foods to hungry babies in Africa. They are such a socially responsible company, which is hard to find these days!

Foods you can feel good about feeding your baby!

All HAPPYFAMILY products are Organic and BPA Free, and are developed with the help of one of the most respected pediatricians, Dr. Sears, to ensure that your baby gets the most nutritious choices possible! For more information about feeding your baby, check out their book, HappyBaby: The Organic Guide to Baby’s First 24 Months

My Happy Baby

My own happy baby loves HAPPYBELLIES Oganic Baby Cereals, DHA + Probiotic, Organic Oatmeal Cereal, 7-Ounce Containers (Pack of 6) We have a hard time finding HAPPYFAMILY products where we live, and the HAPPYBABY website is temporarily closed for some upgrades, so I use Amazon to get everything we need. You can most HAPPYBABY foods there, from baby cereals, to toddler snacks and pre-school meals.

Join the GenerationHappy Movement!

HAPPYFAMILY recently launched a new campaign called GenerationHappy. Read more about this great new movement that is encouraging parents to raise their children to make a difference in the world:

“GenerationHappy invites moms and dads to take a pledge and join HAPPYFAMILY in educating today’s children to understand the importance of eating organically, living sustainably and respecting the earth from early on in their lives. By taking the pledge, parents will gain access to expert advice and helpful ideas for living a healthy, balanced lifestyle that extends beyond nutrition, as well as exclusive offers and giveaways to support them in their journeys.”

Win a College Scholarship!

To celebrate this new program, HAPPYFAMILY is having a video contest on Facebook where parents can submit a video to show off their little one’s special moments, and enter to win a $10,000 college scholarship! Woo hoo, right? There will also be weekly prize pack winners, so make sure to check it out! The Happy Video Contest launched on February 15, 2011, and you can submit your videos until March 25, 2011. You can enter once a day, and vote for your favorites! The lucky winner will be anounced on the HAPPYFAMILY Facebook page on March 28, 2011. Will it be YOU?

Learn More about HAPPYFAMILY:

To learn a little more about how HAPPYFAMILY does business, check out this cute interview with their founder at Natural Products Expo West, in 2009, on YouTube .

HAPPYFAMILY is the leading premium organic brand of baby and toddler foods sold in the United States. They take their commitment to parents seriously, and work to provide you the best products for your baby.

To learn more about HAPPYFAMILY, their mission, and products, visit their website

Please leave some comments about HAPPYFAMILY! Do you use their products in your home? Did you enter the contest? I love to hear from you guys….. :)



  1. she is such a cute happy baby! Love that photo

  2. It’s great to see a company dedicated to the health and happiness of it’s consumers! Wish every co. was like this and not just concerned with their bottom line. :)

  3. Stopping in from The Product Review Place on FB! Thank you for participating in our Wednesday Challenge!

    This is a great review! What a super opportunity! I think about my girls and college all the time. It is just around the corner! This would be a great review to put in our Education/Homeschool Review Group! Just click here, it will take you right to the group. You just start a new discussion, copy over some of your review with the link and we tweet it out for you! Feel free to do that with your other reviews & giveaways in their right groups!
    Here is that link

    I’m your newest GFC follower from my personal blog, Susieqtpies Scraps of Life! Link should be with the name above! Stop in and say HI!

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      Thank you so much for stopping by, and for the link!! I’ll definitely go add it :)

  4. This sounds like great baby food! My babies are almost on all table food now, but they get purses on occasion so I can sneak their vitamin d drops in! Thanks for sharing!

  5. So nice to see a company concerned with more than the almighty dollar! Thanks for the great info.

    Your little one is adorable!!!

    stopping from the TPRP

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      Thank you so much… I kinda think she is adorable too :)

      And you’re right… It is so great to see a company that really cares about their customers! I love in the video, when she says that they make products based on what they would want to serve to their own little ones. I’m a big fan of theirs!!


  1. […] still have the chance to be a winner in this contest… Check out THIS POST for more details on how to […]

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