Need tips getting started with Meal Planning?… Last year, I told you guys a few times about my process of getting into meal planning. It is SUCH an amazing time and money saver for busy moms, no joke. Even putting together a basic plan, like Mondays are pasta night, Tuesdays are chicken, Wednesdays for soup and salad – can help organize your efforts. Planning things out, making one master grocery list, and being able to avoid that early evening, “ohmyheck, what am I going to make for dinner?” stress is priceless. So I’m excited to share a sweet deal to help you start the new year more organized…
Meal Planning in 4 Easy Steps
Do you need to save money on groceries?
Hahahahaha – That’s like saying, “Do you need a little more sleep?” or, “Would you like the kids to get along a little more often?” For most families, the food budget is one of the only things left to cut, and it’s often one of the biggest places that we over spend. The problem is, we’re often too busy to figure out exactly HOW to save money on groceries.
How to Cut Costs
Meal Planning + Savings Match-Ups = Food on the Table! Seriously, this site is awesomesauce. It is totally simple to use. It’s free to join. It will save you loads of time, and money. And your family might even eat healthier, since you’ll be cooking more ‘real’ meals at home! It makes meal planning very quick and simple – you no longer need to save all of those weekly sale inserts. Food on the Table matches your meals directly to the best savings at your own personal local grocery store!
Open a free Meal Planning account on Food on the Table today!
Here’s how it Works
- Set up your meal plan for the week – Food on the Table lets you add the local grocery stores you shop at most. Then, when you log in, it’ll let you see which meats are on sale this week, so you can quickly click your choices.
- Get Recipes – Next, input your own recipes, use previous recipes you’ve added, or check out their huge selection. Pick and click to add your favorites – easy peasy!
- Savings at your grocery store – Food on the Table will now build you a grocery list, auto-filled with the ingredients that you need, based on your recipes for the week. Scan it quickly – see something you already have? Uncheck it. Have extra basics you want to add? Type ’em in! Then it will show you how much you’re saving when it matches your needed ingredients to sales at your favorite store!
- Printable Grocery List – Finally, it loads up a super cool printable grocery list of everything you need for that weeks meals! Even COOLER – you can send that list to your email, or as a text message, so that you have it whenever, or wherever, you need it! You could even email it your husband at work, so he can shop on his way home. Score!
Meal Planning is one of the most helpful tips I can share with you – I’m still working on getting into a groove, and am always looking for great new tips, sites, and apps to help me stay organized and on top of things. This is one of my very favorites that I’ve found – and I know it will help your family too! Plus – It’s free! What do you have to lose – Check it out today!
For more BIG savings at the grocery store – make sure to check out my coupon resource page – How to Get Coupons: 11 Ways to Get Coupons Today. There are also more tips on matching your coupons to store sales, and info about another meal planning service that I use too. Check it out!
Check out more ways to creatively stretch your budget
These are some of my favorite books and tools to save time and money in kitchen – Smart solutions for busy moms like us. If you have a favorite tip to make meal time simpler, cheaper, and more efficient – please share your wisdom in the comments below. I love hearing from you smart ladies!