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DIY Design It Yourself Tutu Shirts

DIY tutu

“I wanted so badly to study ballet, but it was really all about wearing the tutu.” – Elle Macpherson

Doesn’t every little girl love a tutu?? There’s just something special, and magical, and so super fun about them. You no longer walk when you put on a tutu – You prance, you dance, you twirl around. Heck, I’m a {mostly} grown-up girl, and I still love tutus! So – When I learned about Tutu Pour Mon Deux, I was instantly hooked. Their site gives you some easy peasy tools to build your own totally custom-made tutu-style shirt for the special little lady in your life. How cool is that, right?

They don’t just look good – They DO good, too!

You can read the full story behind Tutu Pour Mon Deux on their site – I totally connected with it. My brother suffered from a major heart defect as a child too, and underwent several surgeries as a kid, ending with a major open-heart surgery at Seattle Children’s Hospital to replace a defective valve. So, learning that they donate a portion of proceeds to the hospital that helped their family – Children’s Hospital Boston – made me proud to support their already awesome business!

Our tutu t-shirts aren’t just for ballerinas.  Girls everywhere are pirouetting in the hippest tutu t-shirt out there. With every tutu sold, Tutu Pour Mon Deux has pledged to donate one-third of the proceeds to Children’s Hospital Boston.

What a creative way to give back to the people who helped her family through a difficult time! When Abby was born, she was taken away right away, to the NICU for a week. I remember vividly how very scary that was, and what a difference the kindness of the doctors and nurses there made. I think that what Tutu Pour Mon Deux is doing is amazing.

DIY tutu

Tutu Pour Mon Deux’s DIY Tutu Shirts

When you visit their site, you can first browse their gallery full of adorable tutu ideas, or get started right away using the cool online tools to create and customize your very own DIY Tutu design. You can choose from sleeveless or long sleeve top, and pick your favorite colors for the top and the tutu skirt. Then pick from dozens of pretty ribbons and fun patches to embellish it, and BAM! – You’ve got your own one of a kind Tutu Shirt that is as original and unique as the special girl wearing it!

Make sure to follow Tutu Pour Mon Deux on Facebook & Twitter, to stay updated on new products and promotions!
