Who loves fashion? No, I don’t mean, “NYC Fashion Week, totally unrelatable to real-life fashion.” Stuff that real women wear. As a work at home mom, one of the best things that ever happened to me was when leggings became cool again. They’re like, sweatpants trendier cousin. You still get an elastic waistband for comfort, but they’re more acceptable in public. Same with yoga pants. I LIVE in stretch pants, long tanks or tunics, and cardigans. With lots of fun, funky accessories. Because even the simplest outfit can be worn a few times a week {come on, you know you’ve done it, lol} when you change up your accessories. And when they’re crazy-amazingly affordable, {I call that cramazingly….} it’s even better. So check out the flash deals available ONLY tomorrow, from one of my fave sites, Cents of Style.
Starting tomorrow this morning, right now, there’s a HUGE flash sale on all of the awesome accessories at Cents of Style. There’s a new flash sale every few hours, or until they sell out. Plus, keep reading, because there’s a BONUS gift with purchase too! [Read more…]