Hey ladies! I got my newest Birchbox in the mail about a week or so ago, and wanted to give you a look at what I got this month. I am SUCH a junkie for subscription boxes – I love getting fun surprises in the mail. And, with beauty products, I’m a fickle girl. I have a few go-to products that are always in my bathroom and bag, but I love trying out new things regularly. Which can get expensive. Which is why I am loving Birchbox and Ipsy – they’re both really affordable subscriptions, I get a handful of fun new things to check out each month, and you get deals on the full size products if you fall in love and want more. Awesomesauce.
So, this is my newest box. {See previous here.} Everyone’s will be a bit different, since you fill out a fun survey when you sign up, with your brand, color, and product preferences, so that they can customize a box just for you. And those customized items are based around a theme each month – this one is refreshing for the new year. It comes in an adorable little box, as always, and includes a really helpful insert with info about each product. Here’s what I got this month, to give you an idea of what they send when you join: [Read more…]