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How to Help & Support Your Child’s Teacher this School Year

I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Wet Ones, about supporting teachers this school year. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

I think it’s safe to say that everyone’s kids have finally started school now. And in most areas – fall is in the air… The leaves are beginning to change, the air is crisper in the morning, and most important of all – Pumpkin Spice Lattes are available once again. {Yum, oh yum.} But, even though you’ve done the main back to school shopping, that doesn’t mean that your work is done – there are a ton of things you can do to help support the hard work that you’re kiddo’s teachers are doing throughout the school year.

How to help teachers all year long

How to help teachers all year long

We all know that for some crazy reason, our schools are almost always underfunded. Most of us would say that schools are one of the most important places for our tax dollars to go – yet unlike the DMV, the courts, or the police department, teachers buy huge amounts of supplies that are needed to do their jobs out of their own pocket. They work many hours off the clock, have to do tons of continuing education, and aren’t that highly paid. But, clearly, they do it because they love it – which is why they deserve our support, right? Here are some great ways to show support:

Teacher Appreciation Gifts that Rock [Read more…]


How to Earn More for Your School – #MyBlogSpark

I’m all about cool rewards programs – Programs that reward me for the purchases that I’m going to make anyway. The work that I do online is the only income I get to support all three of us in my little family – so I’m always looking for great new ways to stretch our budget, get a few cool freebies, and be able to help others. So, one program that helps with that, that many of you moms are probably familiar with, is Box Tops for Education. {I’m sure I’m not the only one with a little Tupperware on the counter that is used to fill with box tops, right?} Well, now there’s an even cooler way to help out – it’s called Earn More for Your School, and it’s everything I love… Simple, fun, and very cool.

Earn More for My School Logo

Ready to earn more for your school too?

Super simple – Head to the site and sign up today: Earn More for My School. What it is, is a new way for Walmart shoppers to earn additional box tops for the school of their choice. It takes just a minute to sign up and enter your school. Then, you’ll get notified of cool new ways that the shopping you’re already doing at Walmart can help you earn more box tops – Things like purchasing certain items there, using a cool new coupon, or even taking an action on the website. Totally easy – and a great way to give back to your kids school this year!

Learn more: Follow Box Tops for Education on Twitter and Facebook!

And tell me – are you a Box Tops mom too? Any tips to share?

{Disclaimer: General Mills and Walmart provided me with the free information and gift packs through MyBlogSpark, to help me learn about this great program. All opinions are my own, as always.}
