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The ONLY Car Seat You Ever Need to Buy

I participated in this sponsored campaign about the Evenflo Symphony DXL on behalf of One2One Network. All opinions stated are my own. #EvenfloPlatinum

Evenflo Car Seat Review

Evenflo: A Brand Moms Trust

When it comes to gear for our kids, we all have brands we love and trust. One of those in our house is Evenflo. I had an Evenflo stroller when Abby was a baby. I used a couple of different carriers, back when she was still small enough for me to carry around. We used a ton of their toddler feeding products. This is definitely a brand I feel confident in, and that has grown with us from the time Abby was an infant to now, as a 4 year old. [Read more…]


Getting Ready for School: 5 Fun Preschool Learning Tools

“Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves.” – Abbé Dimnet… I’ve always been addicted to learning. I’ve been a voracious reader since I was a kid – during the summer, in my middle school years, I used to go to our local library every week to search out interesting new finds. As I moved to high school, I would read at least a full book every single week – sometimes a couple of them. And now, as a mom, I still enjoy learning… Whether it’s building new skills to help me grow my online business, or discovering fun ways to teach Abby new things – I’m kind of a learning junkie. One of the most important things in the world to me is helping Abby grow into the kind of person who is curious… Someone who wants to learn, yearns to broaden their horizons, and enjoys expanding her mind. Which is why I am totally in love with a new set of tools we recently discovered, to help her prepare for preschool – they’re called Schoolies, and I think you’ll love them too!

Five fun preschool learning resources

Five fun preschool learning resources

Preschoolers will love meeting the unique and colorful cast of Schoolies characters, created by artist and designer Ellen Crimi-Trent and published in Priddy Books’ signature early learning formats. All of the books are totally interactive – with clock hands to move, stickers to add, cool fold-out scenes, and even wipe-away pages to practice their skills. The graphics are clean and bright, the design is modern and fun, and they really help encourage kids to get excited about learning new skills. Check out how much fun Abby has drawing and counting in the School Days book, and then see some of the other fold out and pop up action to0:

Learning is Fun with The Schoolies! [Read more…]
