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Getting Our Home Ready for the Holidays

I cleaned up with Zep Commercial® as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars. #TryZep

We moved into our house about 3 years ago. We were buying it from a family member, but it was a long process. {Also, a looooong story.} We just finalized the deal earlier this year – so it’s finally really-really-truly ours! Yay! I co-own it with my mom. She lives her part of the year, when her boyfriend travels. But we’re best buddies so it works great :) Well, now that it’s ours, and the summer months of building our giant garden and taking care of the pool are over, it’s time for some awesome home improvement and DIY projects. Especially with the holidays on the way!

Living room furniture - green [Read more…]


How to Bring Spring into Your Home

This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks and Febreze, about their limited edition spring scents. I only share stuff I’m crazy-in-love with. And I think you’ll love this too!

Spring is in the air! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed that I’m having a total spring-fling romance with my garden these days – we finally have some sun, and the flowers are bloomin’ everywhere! I’m such an outdoorsy type of girl, and love when the weather gets nice enough to finally throw open the windows to freshen up the house, and let the smell of flowers coming drifting in….

How to bring springtime into your home [Read more…]


Nature’s Sleep Cayman Gel Memory Foam Mattress – Does It Live Up to the Hype?

I’m a Nature’s Sleep Ambassador – #NSAmbassador – and receive complimentary memory foam products to test out and share with you guys…

As some of you may remember, as part of my big home makeover project we’ve been working on, I’ve been in the process of redoing our Master Bedroom over the past few months. We bought a new rug, built a closet, got a new TV and mount for the wall, painted the whole room, and even bought all new bedroom furniture too. And what’s a new bed without a new mattress, right? I mean, it doesn’t matter if the room looks good if the bed isn’t comfy. So I was absolutely THRILLED to find out that I was chosen to be a Nature’s Sleep Ambassador this year, so that I could try out some of the latest and greatest memory foam products, and have the most amazingly comfy bed ever. Remember when we first got it? It came all rolled up in a little box, which was crazy…

Now, after getting over the amazement of how such a big, fluffy, plush mattress could be squeezed up into such a small package – I have to admit it, I started feeling a little skeptical. I mean, it was seriously heaven when I laid down on it for the first time. Like, love-love-love. But I wondered… since it’s just foam, with no springs or anything inside, wouldn’t it just kind of squish down in places after awhile? Would it really hold up, and still form perfectly to me each time I laid down? Or would it flatten out after time?

How to make the perfect bed [Read more…]


Clean Your Whole House with the Click of a Finger

“A motorized cleaner head combines anti-static carbon fiber filaments and stiff nylon brushes to tackle dust and dirt on any surface…” – Dyson Cordless Animal Vacuum from Best Buy…  I’m sorry ladies, but that’s my type of sweet talk :) I know that I talk a lot about how crazy-busy I am, and how my house isn’t always as clean as I’d like. But, I have always kind of loved cleaning. No…. Not that I always love the process. Given the choice, I’d of course prefer a day by the pool, relaxing in the sun with a margarita. But since real life doesn’t work that way, and I have a serious case of OCD, I’m a cleaning junkie. And I must admit – I love the end result. Much like a carpenter probably doesn’t totally love swinging a hammer, but is a sucker for a brand new cabinet that he’s built by hand – well, I love seeing how a well thought out to-do list that’s all crossed off can make a house a real home again :) Which is why Dyson is one of my all-time favorite brands. And it’s why I want to tell you a little story about an adventure in Dyson-land, because you need this amazing gadget in your life too…. {and the magic of the finger-clicking is coming soon, promise.}

Moms need the 3 in one dyson cordless vacuum

What does the Dyson Cordless Animal Vacuum DO that makes it so great? 

Well – it sucks. Not in a bad way though. Not like, “I brought you home last night on a whim, and now I regret it..” No, like, it sucks all of the yucky stuff out of your life. Maybe not your whole life – but the life that needs to be sucked away – Dirt in the carpet, in the crevices of your tile floor, on your wood or laminate floors, your ceilings, drapes, carpets, rugs, bedding, cabinets, and more. How? Because it’s a 3-in-one gadget that can clean anything and everything with just a flick of a finger… And isn’t that what we’ve all been waiting for since we were little girls watching Bewitched? It’s a totally cordless vacuum that can mount onto the wall, plugs in and gets over 20 minutes of action between charges, and with the flip of a switch transforms between a traditional vacuum with all of the awesome Dyson Animal vac capabilities – to a stick vacuum to get cobwebs or floors, and even a hand vac for furniture or small messes around the house. Everything a woman wants…

Dyson DC44 Animal Slim Bagless Handheld Stick Vacuum Video Review 

I had wanted to film a video for this myself, but with all of the remodeling we’re doing this week, I don’t have many clean spots to even take a photo – let alone a video! So, I’m sharing a video from one of my favorite Best Buy Bloggers – this is from Crystal at Surviving a Teacher’s Salary. {Follow her – she has beautiful photos and kind of rocks all the time :) And see her review of this vacuum too – Dyson DC44 Animal Slim Bagless Handheld Stick Vacuum Review.} It gives you a WAY better idea of what the vacuum is like versus just seeing photos. This baby rocks!

The perfect vacuum for moms

“Delivers a fade-free 20 minute  run time, no loss of suction” – Dyson, Best Buy

Ahhhhh….. That’s another line that is just music to my mommy-ears. So by now you’re like – “Ok Meagan, you’ve totally talked this guy up. But is he just a pretty face? Does he have any substance to back it up or what?” Yes ladies, I know how sceptical we all are of new men, er, I mean household gadgets and appliances. You know, they make big promises… “I’ll be here for you long term, I’m super dependable, I’ll look and perform exactly like I do today for the next 20 years….” But we all know those lofty claims from pretty faces aren’t always true. But, Dyson delivers, ladies. Let me count the ways…

  • I can’t get enough of his flexibility: This bad boy has such sweet moves… Swivelling this way and that, laying flat to get into tight spaces, sweeping through tight hallways, under furniture, and around fixtures. You’ll be dancing while you vacuum, guarantee.
  • He can be anything you want: From a full vacuum, to a stick vacuum, to a portable hand vac – you’ve got it all in one compact gadget.
  • He’s easy: When you have a smaller mess, just grab him and go – he’s all charged and ready to rev his motor at the touch of your finger on his trigger! Just push his buttons, and let him clean up any problem spots around the house easy peasy, without the fuss of a bunch of cords and plug ins and hauling things around. Quickie cleaning that packs a punch!
  • No strings attached: He’s cordless! Meaning he can roam where you want to. {B-52’s reference, anyone? Or am I just old?} But seriously – you just mount him on his holder, he’s charged when you’re ready, and you take him anywhere through the house in a jiffy for a quick fix of cleaning.

Learn more here: See more real mom opinions on my Best Buy Bloggers Pinterest board, and check the Best Buy Bloggers WOLF page for cool products and new promotions. And if you have any questions at all about this rockin’ 3-in-one vacuum and how it’s changed my life – ask questions on my Facebook page! I’ll be sharing more of my own videos of this bad boy soon, because I’m so in love. But I’d love to give you any info you need before then. Because I love you guys. :)


My Messy Laundry Room Makeover

What does spring mean to you? For me, it means that I’m planting seeds for my spring garden, getting serious about weight loss since summer is approaching fast, and stocking up on great products to do a major spring cleaning extravaganza around this place. Spring really motivates me to get organized again – I mean heck, in winter, it’s so dark and dreary you don’t even really see those monster dust bunnies hiding in the corners… But once the sunshine of spring arrives, it’s hard to ignore the mess. And… We’ve been working on some MAJOR remodeling and DIY projects lately, so we’ve DEFINITELY got a lot of extra mess {watch for a big post soon!} – but between the major craziness of all that, I’m also working on those little “trouble spots” that we’ve ignored for far too long. Check out one of the worst offenders…

Laundry Room Makeover [Read more…]


The Best Tools to Get the Cleanest Floors for Your Family

Are domestic steam cleaners a worthwhile investment?… You all know what a cleaning junkie I am. And, having a toddler in the house means that figuring out if my floors are clean enough, and finding new ways to keep them clean, is an absolute must. So I’m excited to share with you a great post today with tips on choosing the best tools to keep your floors clean enough for those little ones to crawl on, play on, and maybe even eat a Cheerio off of when you’re not looking….How to get clean floors [Read more…]

You Don’t Have to be a Domestic Goddess to Take Control of Your Life

Doesn’t that feel good to hear? Let me say it again, “You Don’t Have to be a Domestic Goddess to Take Control of Your Life.” And it’s not me saying that – it’s the crazy-smart experts over at Modern Parents, Messy Kids. This is one of my absolute favorite sites -so full of creatively genius ideas for simplifying life, while keeping it fun. And now, she has a super awesome new ebook. I bought it yesterday, and love it so much I wanted to share it with you guys!

Project Organize Your Entire Life - ebook [Read more…]
