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Under the Sea Lunch Idea

I’m always looking for easy, frugal, and FUN ways to help the kiddos eat healthier. And, actually eat – you know what I mean? It’s hard enough staying on a budget. It’s worse when the kids don’t like what you serve, and you end up throwing things away. So, I decided to take a few minutes each day – honestly, it only takes a few more minutes prep to make fun lunches, I promise! – to create meals that entertain the kids enough to actually eat…..

Under the Sea lunch - #BumbleBeeB2S [Read more…]


What Does the Fox Say? – Holiday Ideas

Have you seen it yet – the What Does the Fox Say video from Ylvis? My nephews showed it to me a few weeks ago, before they headed off for school. I was half distracted trying to work, thought it was funny, and then sent them off to the bus. Little did I know – my life had just changed. This song has been stuck in my head ever since! And the more times I watch the video, the funnier it gets to me :) If you haven’t yet heard what all the fuss is about – let me show ya:

I love that the singer is so serious, while singing these ridiculous lyrics, in an over-the-top epic video. Flying guys in furry fox suits? Laser lights? What more can you ask for? This is now my little girl’s favorite song too – she was SO excited to see it performed in a choreographed dance routine on last night’s Dancing with the Stars finale. She jumped all over the bed singing and spinning. Which is why, when we had our early family Thanksgiving last weekend, I had to turn our pumpkin pie slices into fox faces…

What does the fox say? - pie [Read more…]


How to Make Super Awesome Kid’s Lunches

Thank you to Mott’s® for sponsoring this article. Grab goodness on-the-go with Mott’s®.

“One thing I had learned from watching chimpanzees with their infants is that having a child should be fun.” – Jane Goodall  One of the main reasons that I wanted to be a work at home mom was that I wanted to be here to spend time with Abby every day. {You can read my story of how I got started here, on Start-Up Nation.} Then about a year ago I realized that I was spending way too much time working, and not enough time being a mom. I caught myself saying things like, “Not now,” or “in a little bit, mommy’s working” – way too often. So, I made a point to take afternoons off, and have that be “Me & Abby” time.

How to make super cool kid's lunches [Read more…]
