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Earn Money by Surfing the Web

{This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are always my own.}

The economy is improving, but many of us are still on a tight budget. Maybe you’ve been laid off, or had your hours cut. Maybe you’re a stay at home mom who wants a way to earn extra money while still being home with the kids. Or maybe you just want some simple ways to earn extra cash in your free time. My post, 10 Ways to Make Money from Home is my most popular post ever, of all time – it’s been pinned over 280k times! So, I figured since frugal tips seem to be pretty popular with you guys, once a week I’ll share a new way to get free or super cheap stuff, or how to save money.

This week, I’m talking about earning with Neilsen. Neilsen is a huge company – They have a lot of different branches to what they do. But they’re main focus is on collecting opinions and data from people across the country, so that they can use that info to help companies develop products, marketing plans, and more. So they have programs that reward people for helping share those opinions. Think about it – years ago, brands had to spend big bucks to bring people together for in-person focus groups. Now, with everyone on the web, it’s easier than ever for tons of people to share their thoughts to help brands create the best products. And they pay you for it!

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