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Why I Like My Drinks Shaken, Not Stirred

Are you an “on the go” type of mom? The type of mom who is on the go around town – taking the kids to school, practice, and activites, going to the gym, and getting groceries? Maybe you’re stay at home mom who is on the go chasing after kids all day, a work at home mom who chases deadlines all day, or a work outside the home mom who chases the clock all day? No matter what type of mom you are, I can bet you would probably categorize yourself as on the go, am I right?

shaken not stirred drinks [Read more…]


3 Ways to Do Dishes – Plus a Chance to Win a Kitchen Makeover

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Cascade. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

There are three different ways to do dishes. You can make your kids do them – but unfortunately, my little girl is only two. She’s not even tall enough to reach the sink. You can make your partner do it – but that doesn’t work for me either. He doesn’t believe in pre-rinsing anything, and it leads to a dishwasher filled with not-so-clean dishes. So that leaves the third way, the one moms end up with more often then any of us would like – do it yourself. But this doesn’t work for me either. I absolutely – more than any other task in the house – hate washing dishes. I sometimes look at an overflowing sink filled with dirty dishes and wonder how much it would cost to just buy new ones…

Cascade Platinum Pacs [Read more…]


A New Way to Read Children’s Books

Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Frederick Douglass… I have always loved to read. I get that from my parents, who are both big-time book lovers. They both read to me regularly when I was a little girl, I grew up watching them read books each night, listened to them discuss their favorite books at dinner time, and was surrounded by ever-changing selections of books to choose from as I got old enough to read them myself. The love of reading is seriously one of the best gifts you can give your children… It expands their world, encourages creativity, tolerance, and inquisitiveness, and gives them the best learning tool you can have.

A new way to read kids books [Read more…]


Moms Who Get Into Sticky Situations

Kids will be kids. Which is why moms have to be prepared for emergencies… Do you have kids? Are they messy? Hahahahahaha – That was funny, right? Of course they are. I mean, some moms get lucky, and have kids who are more drawn to quiet activities like reading, and coloring, and playing with blocks – versus mud wrestling, building dirt piles out of Folgers coffee for their trucks to haul around, or putting mommy’s expensive MAC make-up on the dog. But even those quiet kids will color on the walls occasionally, throw those blocks and books around – and get into sticky snacks and make messy diapers.

cleaning up after messy kids [Read more…]


How to Bathe a Toddler in 3 Simple Steps – #MomHumor

“Having a two-year-old is like having a blender without a lid.” – Jerry Seinfeld… Have you ever struggled with bathing a baby? I remember the first time I had to give Abby a bath – she was so tiny, so fragile, and I was so nervous. I got the brand new little baby bathtub out, filled it with water, decided it was too hot so I added cold water, then decided it was too cold – so I dumped it out and started again, lol. I had thought that bathing a newborn was nerve-wracking, but little did I know – a toddler is a WAY bigger challenge! So, here are my tips on how to bath a toddler in 3 simple steps….

Toddlers make messes [Read more…]


Sweet New Sports Car Option for Moms on the Go

Scion is bringing sport back to the car… We’re in the {very early} process of looking for a new car. The AC doesn’t work in my car, and the problem causing that is a tricky one to fix from what I’m hearing. And, while 99% of the car still looks great – the front fender is trying to fall off, and is on there with a red-to-match-the-car piece of duct tape. Not cool, you know? In our research, I came across this guy that looks pretty rad…

The All new Scion FR-S

Brought to you by the all new Scion FR-S

What do you think?

I’m totally digging that Asphalt color. And the Mister is totally digging the Speedster option that it includes a race exhaust system, since he’s a race car driver. He’s pretty amazing with cars – works some MAGIC out there in the racing pits making those cars fly as fast as possible around the track. He’s checked this one out quite a bit, and thinks it’s our best option. And I like the idea of a sweet new sporty option for this momma on the go. What do you think? Do you guys have a fave car right now – any suggestions or tips for me? {And, if you love this sweet Scion FR-S, you can grab the code here.}


Join Me: Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life

I found an absolutely amazing site today, where she’s got a pretty awesome challenge going on… The site is called Modern Parents Messy Kids, and the challenge is called – Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life. Sounds simple enough, right? Lol. But seriously – she takes on an enormous sounding challenge like that, and breaks it down into totally do-able tips. One of my favorites so far is the Mega Cleaning Action Plan. She links up to a seriously huge list of other resources, gives you realistic ideas to make a plan that will work for you, and makes it all actually seem kind of fun. {You know, if cleaning your house can be fun….} But honestly, the main challenge I have in my home is having enough time. Working on her projects will help any of us build better routines, which saves a ton of time = meaning less stress, and happier moms. What more can you ask for?rules for survival: parenting

Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: Join Me!

I’m going to be making these challenges a part of my weekly routine starting this week. {Love her Parenting Survival Routines above. She’s so cleverly funny.} So, make sure to check out her site, and learn a little more about this project – then I’d LOVE to have some of you ladies follow along too! Every week I’ll take on a new part of the project, like Meal Planning, Routines for Kids, or the Mega Cleaning. I’ll link back to her amazing posts filled with info, and let you guys know what kind of progress I’m making. SUPER excited for this. I really think this is going to help me a ton.

What’s YOUR Biggest Home Challenge? Share in the Comments…
