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12 Must-Have Tools for Successful Blogging

Welcome to the #WAHMhop event! I’ve partnered with a bunch of my favorite bloggers to share tips and tricks to help anyone out there who’s interested in starting their own business, or making money from home, get a jump start to success!

So, I’m not an expert, but I’ve been blogging for over 4 years, and have been pretty successful. So, I want to share my tips with you guys, in the hopes they may help you too!

12 Must-Have Tools for Successful Blogging

1. Business Plan: Every business must have a plan. Because if you don’t know where you want to be, how will you know how to get there? I have seen many friends start small businesses, of many kinds, that failed. Not because they didn’t have amazing ideas, talent, or work ethic – but because they didn’t have a plan. There’s a great article I refer to each year from Problogger – How to Make a Blogging Business Plan. It has some great questions to consider. Myself personally, here’s what I do: Answer these questions, each year, because your focus does sometimes change. Think about where you want to be in a year. Make 3 big goals. Then break those down into one goal per month. Then each month I write down 3 steps to reach that goal. It makes it all more doable, helps you focus your energy and time, and keeps you on track. This is how I reached a full time income within one year of blogging. You CAN do it, if you plan wisely :) [Read more…]


Top 10 Resource Guide for Food Bloggers

Resources for food bloggers… I love to cook, but have a lot more enthusiasm and creativity than I do actual skill, so not everything I attempt is exactly successful. But – blogging, just like life, is a constant work in progress, right? If you’re working on your food blogging skills in 2013 too – I hope you find something in this resource list helpful!

Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" humor - Food Bloggers Husband [Read more…]


How to Create Photo Books to Market Your Blog or Business

Check out this “hauntingly” good Halloween deal from Blurb!… Save 20% off any book you create through 10/31 with special code SPOOKYSALE!  Have a Blurb book that you have been working on? Or maybe you’ve been wanting to create a book with all the pictures you have stored on your camera, on Facebook or on Instagram? Well NOW is the time to order a book from Blurb during this huge sale. Keep reading to get some super creative ideas on how you can use Blurb photo books for more than just personal use – you can make them work for your business or blog too.

Using photo books for business and blogging [Read more…]


Bloggertunities: 20 New Resources for Bloggers this Week

blogging opportunities for women bloggers

“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it.” – Jonathan Winters

Summer was super challenging for me. I feel like I’ve gotten way of course, off track, off schedule. Having my nephews here all day every day – in addition to my little girl who just turned two – was a lot more work than I had anticipated. I worked too much, didn’t make enough time for fun, yet still didn’t accomplish even half of what I should have the past couple of months. But – a new school year always feels like the “real” new year to me…. I’ve bought a new desk calendar and a few new office supplies. I cleaned out my Blogging Binder {which I need to do a post about since ya’all keep asking…} and cleaned off my bulletin board. My brother and the kids just moved out, after us all living together for the past 2 1/2 years…. Bittersweet. I miss them already, but I am excited to have more space for a real office, and a playroom for Abby. So – over the course of the next couple of weeks I’m going to re-evaluate things, and revamp. I’m totally ready for fall and new opportunities – are you?

Remember – Feel free to share your best blogging tips posts, event sign up forms, linkys and hops – anything that you think others might find helpful, share it in the comments! I love seeing all the good stuff you guys post too.

Makin’ Money with your Blog

  • Paper Coterie: This is quickly becoming my VERY favorite affiliate that I’ve ever worked with. Not only are they super simple to use {their system is set up just like Escalate, very user friendly} – but they even send out emails once every couple of weeks or so with a FREE PRODUCT coupon code! This is a great way to start stocking up on really pretty, personalized, paper products for holiday gifts.
  • BlogFrog Influencers: Join the Influencer Circle on BlogFrog – see their site for the minimum requirements. If you meet them – apply for opportunities to share great brands and campaigns with your readers, and earn fun compensation too!
  • Bloggabase: This is a brand new network – but you can sign up to be notified when they officially launch. Says it’s a network from the bloggers perspective – with new ways to monetize, get opps, and more. Sign up for Bloggabase here.
  • Social Spark: Super simple posts that you write right on their site, and you get to choose whether to accept posts, to ensure you only share brands that are a good fit to be interesting to your readers. Good payouts that pay directly into your PayPal account. Going into the holidays, this is going to be a great money maker – Last year it was one of my best.

Promote Your Posts

  • Blog Nation: Submit your blog’s RSS feed to Blog Nation – they’ll syndicate all posts to their site. Users who are reading posts there can click whether they like them or not… The more popular your post, the more likely it is to get shown to more and more people – driving traffic your way! Easy peasy.
  • List your Blog: I loooove this list. I haven’t finished it all, but try to go back to it once a month – 62 Places to List Your Website or Blog for Free. The more “doors” there are to your site on the web, the more ways people can find their way to you. Plus some of the links are do follow, which helps build your page rank.
  • Promoting Posts: I love this infographic that shows 12 Things You Should Do After Writing a Blog Post. It’s so important – especially on your good quality evergreen posts – to get them promoted in a variety of different ways. I’ve used many of these tips with success – and it’s a good reminder. I printed it out to add to my blogging binder!
  • Drive Traffic: This is a great post – 50 Ways to Drive Massive Traffic to Your Blog. Each tip is a one liner – super simple ideas that are totally do-able. Many you’ve probably already tried, or thought of… But it’s a great way to jump start your creativity again, and think of new ways to boost your blog.

Tools, Resources, and Good Reads

  • Rafflecopter: This is a really great break-down of survey results that Rafflecopter did to determine how many entries should be on a giveaway form. It shows how many most businesses and bloggers use, and what most giveaway entrants prefer. Interesting – and I was glad to see I fall into the middle ground on this one.
  • Ethics: This is a great post about ethics in blogging – following the laws and regulations that apply to you, as well as doing the right thing – even when you don’t have to. Get it here Tips to Avoid Ethical Pitfalls in Blogging and Social Media.
  • Facebook: This is a perfect post on how to get more interaction on your Facebook fan page. I mean – there’s only so much that you can control, Facebook changes all.the.time. But – when you learn a bit about how Edgerank works, and how Facebook decides which updates to share in people’s newsfeeds, you can bump up your “seen by” numbers quite a bit.

Events to Join

  • Eddie Bauer Giveaway: This rocks – Join in this great event to give away an Eddie Bauer 3-Wheel Travel System! If you’re a member of MDIB you get one free link – extras are only $1 each. Super cool. Join here.
  • Blogs to Riches: I love Lisa Cash Hanson from Mompreneur Mogul – such a fun site packed with great tips. And – she has a new community, Blogs to Riches club. To celebrate, and have a chance to win some fab bloggy prizes, join her giant giveaway event here: Blogs to Riches Membership Giveaway Event.
  • Party: Healthy Child, Healthy World is looking for influential moms to host in-home parties to share great “green” brands, like  Seventh Generation, Plum Organics and LUNA. Apply on their site if you’re interested.
  • Keurig: Join this new giveaway event coming up to give away a new Keurig, which are usually really popular events! And, if you refer the most visits during the giveaway you can get your spot for free. Find details on the sign up page here.

Awesome books to read

Networks to Join

  • Question Moms: The “Meet the Moms” promotions, where we were promoting mom-invented daily solution products, is coming to a close. We’re on our very last campaign now. But – sign up to be a part of Question Moms, so we can notify you this fall as we roll out some cool new ambassadorship campaigns, and other cool new opps. I’m very excited to see things coming together!
  • Nick Mom: Have you heard of this yet? It’s a super fun new rewards networks for crazy-busy moms like us. Check it out and join here  – Nick Mom. Win prizes, connect with other cool moms, and get free stuff. What more can you ask for, right?
  • Social Moms: This is an easy way to earn free stuff like Amazon gift cards… All of your activity on the site is rewarded. When you do things like tweet out a post you like, or leave a comment, you’ll earn points towards freebies. And, there are loads of giveaways – I’ve won a couple hundred in gift cards here over the past few months, just by having the winning comment on a post. Very cool.

If this post was helpful – be sure to share it with your own networks and friends too…

Want more good stuff?

You can check out all of the older weekly Bloggertunities posts too – some of the events and opps are expired, but there are tons of great networks to join, tips to read, and other helpful stuff. You can also check out my Blogging & Social Media board on Pinterest too – to find some of my favorite helpful tips, sites, and resources.

{Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. But all opps and leads listed are things that I trust, and have used myself. I only share what I love with ya’all! Photo Credit.}



Bloggertunities: Blogging Opportunities for Women 8/18

opportunities for women bloggers

“You don’t write because you want to say something; you write because you’ve got something to say.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Ok – I’ve been a bit inconsistent with these Blogging Opportunity posts lately, I know it. Having my nephews home from school for the summer was a lot more work and stress than I had anticipated. Then there was the travel for conferences. And all the kiddos who like to come visit each afternoon because we’re one of the only people in our group of friends with a pool, lol. But – as school is getting ready to start again, and my days will have a little more structure and stability back in them – You can look forward to the weekly Bloggertunities post every Wednesday morning again, starting soon. {So be sure to sign up for my email updates so you never miss one!} This post isn’t as full as usual, because I’m still catching up from BlogHer – Ohmyohmy, what 6 days away from checking my email can do…. But I hope you find some good stuff! If you have events, sign ups, linkys, hops, or cool news to share, leave it in the comments below. And if you do find this post helpful – be sure to give it a tweet or Facebook share too. Thanks all!

Products and Reviews

  1. Solilor Girl: Join this site as a member, then sign up as a blogger. It’s totally free, and they’ll send you out some of your favorite clothing pieces that you can feature on your blog. Sounds really cool – I’m just getting started with it myself.
  2. Moms Meet: This is a great program that I’ve been a part of for years now. They provide really generous party packages of healthy, organic samples for you to share with your mom group, playdate parties, or friends and family. Right now you can apply to try out the Stonyfield Farm YoKids Yogurt products. If you’re not a member of Moms Meet yet, there is a link right at the beginning where you can sign up too!
  3. Software: Are you a software junkie? Love trying out new programs? Then get paid to give your feedback on it – up to $50 per review. I’ve not used this yet, but it was recommended to me by a few people – if you’ve used it, let me know your thoughts!
  4. Diet Products: Mallery’s Deals has info on how to get a 90 supply of an awesome new diet product for review, plus a giveaway for your readers too. Check it out and apply if you’re interested!
  5. Guac Squad: I just got a big ol’ shipment of Wholly Guacamole products – and I can tell ya – They are GOOOOOD! To join the Guac Squad, and have opportunities to partner with them on fun promotions, fill out the form here.


Making money with your blog

  1. Social Spark: I’ve told you guys before – this is one of my fave ways to earn easy money by writing on my blog.The posts are very quick to complete, the payout is great and pretty quick. Love it.
  2. Paper Coterie: This is my fave affiliate ever. Beautiful paper products, and awesome promotions = Super easy content to promote and share. It’s simple to use and get started – learn more here: Paper Coterie sign up. Another bonus? You get an email once a month with a new product featured, and a code to get it totally free. How cool is that? I’m so stocking up on holiday gifts!
  3. RewardIt Sponsored Posts: They’re looking for bloggers who would be interested in running sponsored posts, social media shout outs, and giveaways. If this is you – fill out this form today.

Events to Join

  1. Blissdom: One2One Network is giving one lucky lady a sponsorship to the awesomeness that is Blissdom! I am SO wanting to go to this one – and am entering this contest! – so I hated to share it and increase the competition, lol. But – Good luck to all!
  2. Giveaway Events: One of my fave chicks that hosts events is Becky at OhMyGoshBeck. She is amazing at promoting, and I always get a ton of new fans. And she’s a total pro, so the events always run smoothly. She has a few awesome new events coming up that you can join – a great way to bust out of that low-traffic-end-of-summer-rut that most of us are in. Extreme Cash Giveaway, Mega Gift Card Giveaway, and weekend Target Gift Card Flash Giveaways!
  3. Non-Con: The Aiming Low Non Conference is in Georgia in October. This sounds like such a fun idea – there is NO cost to attend, other than your travel and room cost. They realize that the best parts of any conference are usually the informal conversations that happen between forums, so that’s what this event is all about. Learn more on their site – and I just might see  you there! {Best of all? The Pioneer Woman is going to be the closing Keynote!!}
  4. Cash Giveaway: Join another awesome Megan – at Meg’s Moxie – for her cash giveaway coming up soon! Get details, and sign up here for her Friday Flash Giveaway!

Tips, Tools, & Resources

  1. Bad Neighborhood Checker: Enter your blog’s URL, and this site will scan to see if you’re linking to any sites that are considered “bad” by Google. Then you can unlink. Very helpful – Bad Neighborhood Blog Checker.
  2. I’ve been seeing everyone rave about this site and the awesome tech training available there – so I had to check it out. If you want to learn more, see what’s available, and get cool tips to help you decide which course to sign up for, sign up for the newsletter.
  3. Infographic: I love this new infographic from The Pixelista that shows tips on how to troubleshoot your wordpress site. Super helpful tips in an easy to understand format.
  4. Klout: The site has updated, trying to pull stats from more networks, and give a better picture of your real influence across the web. That means scores changed a bit too for most people – my Klout score went up to a 65. Check it out to see the new updates and features.
  5. 5 Days to a Better Site: Sign up for this free information series, and get help in seeing your site with fresh eyes, learning what PR and brands are looking for when visiting your site, and more.
  6. Free Resources: This site is the cutest thing I’ve seen in for-ev-ah. If you’re a crafty type – or even if you’re not – You’ll find amazing free resources on her site. She’s super motivating and inspiring – love it. My fave section is the Study Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs.
There ya go! And again – if you have anything cool to add this week, be sure to leave a comment below! Share your event sign up forms, links to any cool hops you have going on, or share cool news that you’re excited about. I love to hear from you guys! And if you’d like to share this post – be a tweetheart and share it with the button below!

Love free stuff? Then Join here for Free Family Fun Passes and More!

{Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. But all opps and leads listed are things that I trust, and have used myself. I only share what I love with ya’all! Photo Credit.}

Weekly Bloggertunities – 3/8

blogging opportunities, sponsored posts, monetize your blog

Weekly Opportunities to Boost Your Blog

Welcome to another edition of Bloggertunities! I hope everyone’s new month is off to a rockin’ start – I know I’m about as busy as I can be. Woah boy! {When I finally figure out this whole “Clone-a-Blogger 5000” invention, I’m going to be rich. Right??} – Anyway…. As usual, if you have a great opp to share, linky to join, or event in need of new sign-ups – Share the info and link in the comments here, so everyone has more great stuff to check out. And – all contacts and opps in this post are always things that I have permission to share, which means you can share them too – feel free to post this link in any groups or networks you’re in. Blogging isn’t a race – there’s room for us all to be awesome. This week’s motivation for ya… “12 Stressful Things to Stop Tolerating” – By one of my all time favorite sites, Marc and Angel Hack Life.

Monetize Your Blog

The perks of blogging are great, right? But momma also needs to pay the bills. Here are a few of the ways that I’ve been earning cash this week – I have received at least one payment from every one of these sites, so they’re all legit.

  1. BlogServicesInc: I don’t have a lot to share on them yet. I just signed up, and have heard good things from other bloggers. Learn more about monetizing your site.
  2. SocialSpark: Love this site. Super fast payouts, easy to write posts, and fair compensation – I earn from $60-$200 per post. Tip: If you apply, and get denied – Email back and ask why. I was denied twice in the beginning, due to errors on their end. Many times if you contact them, you WILL be approved – worst that can happen is they give you tips to improve, and you can apply again! Join SocialSpark.
  3. INFOstable: This is a new affiliate network – and if you’re a member of Escalate, you’ll recognize the structure right away, it’s exactly the same. There aren’t a ton of offers, as it’s very new. But there are some great baby product giveaway offers, and it’s converting great for me. Learn more and sign up.
  4. Blogvertise: Earn cash for posts. Fair warning – there is a lot of… Um, not so good offers here. But, I do find plenty that I can post too – and taking 20 minutes to write up a $10 paying post, once a day, equals almost $300 a month. If you check in often for the grab bag tasks, it can be worth it. Just be careful, and make sure you’re only posting things that your readers will really like.
  5. YaySave: Are you signed up with them yet? I joined almost a year ago now, and love it. You can stock up on household products like cleaning supplies or beauty products, and they compare all prices to both Walmart & Amazon, to make sure you find the best price. You also earn SwagBucks with your purchases. And now, to sweeten the deal even more – they just launched a referral program! Earn up to $100 for each person you refer. Wow, right?

What sites do you do best with to earn cash payments? Great affiliates you want to share? If so, feel free to leave your own sign up link in the comments. If I’m going to join something new – I want one of YOU to benefit from it too!

Reviews & Giveaways

We all love getting to try the best new family-friendly products on the market, and sharing some insider info with our readers to help them make the best buying decisions. And being able to reward readers with some fun prizes is always a good day!

  1. Maggies Direct: Sign up to be a member of their Blogger Network for some great opportunities. I was approved as a member today, and the program looks really amazing. Learn more and Sign Up – Join Maggies Direct. You get certificate each month to choose a review product, have opps to do giveaways, and more.
  2. Influential Media: Sign up to be a part of this new network. You can indicate which opportunities you are interested in, from reviews and giveaways, to sponsored posts and ads.
  3. Kidstuff Public Relations: Email them to apply to be a partner blogger with them. You can read their terms, and what they expect – and they require a screenshot to give them information about your monthly page views. Learn more and see if you qualify: Kidstuff Blogger Inquiry.
  4. Mom Central: One of my favorite places to work with for reviews – they’re super organized, and make it really easy to complete their campaigns. Sign up as a Mom Central Blogger.

How do you get products for reviews and giveaways? Do you pitch companies yourself – any tips to share? Or do you have a favorite network not on this list? Share your great info in the comments!

Writing Jobs & Guest Posting

If you’re a blogger, my guess is that you like to write. If you do – there are SO many places to share your writing on the web. {FYI: I’m going to be opening up a guest blogging program next month – watch for the form to fill out, and share your great posts on my site!}

  1. The Mommies Network: There are a ton of different opportunities here if you’d like to expand the places that your writing is published. Check it out – Learn more and apply to post.
  2. If you’re an expert in your town – find your favorite topic on and apply to write your own column today! I’m working on getting more active with this – it’s a really fun way to get new exposure and experience as a writer, while earning a consistent income too!
You can also check out the great tips on in their freelance writing section for more great ideas on getting started.


More Great Stuff

Here are a few more random things that didn’t fit into the other categories – but that I thought you guys might like. You can also check out my boards on Pinterest for Blogging & Social Media Tips, and Tech Made Simple.

  1. Giving Back: Join Mom Bloggers for Social Good! No, this doesn’t monetize your blog or get you free stuff. But it’s a great way to use the huge influence and trusted voice you have to push for great changes in the world. I joined, and it’s a wonderful group of women – I’d love to have you join us too!
  2. StumbleUpon: Join a great, free, linky event and increase your traffic with StumbleUpon – I get over 10,000 page views each month from SU, and I find a lot of new pages to follow myself when I use it just for fun. Love it.
  3. Pinterest 101: A pretty comprehensive guide to everything Pinterest – It’ll help show you how to get started if you’re a beginner – but it’s also got some cool new tricks and tips to learn if you’re more of an expert. Pinterest 101: Pin Like a Rockstar!
  4. FREE Giveaway: This is a free giveaway event that you can join – Plus, you can purchase additional links if you want to really boost your blog. Check it out, learn more, and join this sweet new event I’m co-hosting!

Any other cool articles, ebooks, websites – anything you’ve found helpful this week – share it with me and the other amazing ladies reading this, in the comments below. You’re awesome!


Weekly Bloggertunities – 2/29

Blogging Opportunities, Sponsored Posts,

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordon 

What obstacles have you faced lately? Is it a lack of motivation? If so, that could be because you’ve lost the excitement about what you’re doing. Think back to why you started your blog – then make a list of 5 things you LOVED back then. Then take a couple of days to work those things in again. Or think about your long-term goals…. And dream big. Write down those giant ideas, and smack ’em up on the wall where you’ll see them every day! Is it a lack of time? Maybe you just need more help getting organized. I have a great list of free printable planning sheets, and some sweet tips on setting up a schedule system that goes everywhere you do. What other challenges do you deal with? Share your trouble spots – and any solutions you’ve found! – in the comments. I’m sure someone else will benefit from what you have to say too.

Sponsored Posts

One of the major ways that I earn an income with my blog is through sponsored posts. I’m careful about what I accept – it’s not worth any money to post junk. Your readers will hate it, you’ll hate it, and it’ll make your blog spammy. But – when a brand wants to compensate you for sharing great information that will entertain or educate your readers, that’s a total win-win, right?

  1. Post Genius: I just signed up with them, so I don’t have a ton of feedback to give – but it looks interesting. You sign up your blog, and set a price per post. Then, if brands would like to work with you, they’ll make an offer. If you’re using them, I’d love to hear what you think… Leave a comment with some tips.
  2. Social Fabric: My. Favorite. Network. Seriously – they rock. They’re open to very limited new members right now – Gulf State Bloggers (from these states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi). They’re are also recruiting bloggers in Mexico, specifically Guadalajara and Mexico City. If you fit any of these categories, shoot me an email {Meagan at} with your blog and a little about you, and I’ll send your info to their recruiting team!
  3. Social Spark: Get fun paid posts, and get paid quickly with PayPal! This is one of my favorites – and I totally recommend it. I make a few hundred dollars a month her on a good month – Love it.
  4. Blogvertise: I’ve been having more luck here lately – The payouts are usually kind of low, but they’re very simple posts. I don’t get a ton of offers emailed to me, so I pop in each day and get the grab bag tasks that are a good fit for me. Doing that daily earns me a couple hundred bucks a month, and isn’t too time consuming. Check it out – Earn Money Blogging.

If you have any other great networks that you use – feel free to share them in the comments. {Yes, it’s ok to post a referral link, as long as no one else has posted it yet. If I’m going to join something, I love to be able to benefit another blogger with my sign up!}

Reviews & Giveaways

Here are some great places to find new products and services to review, as well as opportunities for sponsored giveaways. Giveaways can be a ton of work – but they also are a great way to say Thank You to your readers for being such loyal fans!

  1. Giveaway Blogs: This is a great network – You can meet great bloggers and connect with new brands. I’ve found some very cool opportunities with them – The forums are filled with fun companies looking to connect with new bloggers. Sign up here – Join Giveaway Blogs.
  2. Doc Milo: Click the link to see their totally gorgeous products – then up in the right corner, you’ll see a big yellow link for Blogger Sign Ups. Click there to be taken to the blogger partner application.
  3. MyBlogSpark: Sign up for a free membership with this site to do fun product reviews and giveaways – See an example here – I’ve been a member for a year, and have had some fun opps. Nothing huge, but very fun. Blogger Program Sign-Up.
What other networks do you use for review and giveaway sponsors? Share in the comments! And, if you’re a review blogger – You do NOT want to miss the biggest event targeted towards us this year – Reviewer’s Retreat 2012! Will I see you there?

Events and Fun Stuff

Here’s an assortment of cool happenings around the web, for moms and bloggers. If you’ve found something cool going on – I’d love to hear about it!

  1. Mompreneur’s Challenge: Join this 30-day challenge from Business Among Moms – Small Steps to a Big Business. Each day you’ll get a new tip or trick emailed to you. Then challenge yourself to do that task, and watch as your business improves day by day!
  2. MamaCon: This is a SUPER fun event coming up – and it’s not just for bloggers, so plan to attend with some of your best girlfriends too. You can learn more, and enter to WIN tickets and a stay at the totally gorgeous Hilton Bellevue too, from The Maven of Social Media.
  3. LeapPad Explorer Giveaway: This sounds like a totally amazing event – $10 bucks gets you any two links you want. The giveaway is HUGE – full LeapPad Explorer set, games, accessories – the works! Learn more here – LeapPad Giveaway.
  4. The Mommy Club: Each week Crystal & Co does my favorite link up of the week – Share Your Mommy Solutions! Totally me, right? Check it out, find some amazingly cool info, and link up your own favorite posts too!
  5. Furst:Access: Sign up for an account here to get notification of new movie screening events. Very cool, right? Furst:Access Sign Up.

Who loves to party? This girl! Are you hosting a Twitter party? Share the info with us in the comments. Excited about a cool conference or event coming up? Let me know about it!


Here are a few of the cool networks that I’m in, that I thought you guys might want to check out too. They’ll give you new ways to network, find cool partnerships, and more.

  1. Zurker: This is a really cool idea – they want to let users be more in control of this social network, and give you ownership in it. So – for inviting friends and helping to build up the site, you are actually given stock in the company! How cool might that be, right? Check it out and sign up here – Zurker, new social network sign up.
  2. SheSpeaks: Join their Blogger Society – You get to share opinions, try new products and give feedback, and participate in cool events.
  3. Blogaholic: I’ve been featured here a few times, and realized lately that I’ve kind of been a stranger over there! It’s a really great place to connect with other bloggers, and learn a ton. Everyone interacts so much – You’ll love it. Join Blogaholic Social Network. Already a member? Connect with me too!

What are your favorite networks, and what do you love most? Are you a part of other networks, outside of the blogging world? I’m looking for some new places to join, for moms – something fun, where I can meet some new faces. Any suggestions?

Cool Tools

Are you ready for the big Facebook change? Here’s a tool to help you prepare. And another great tool that can help you build your Twitter presence too.

  1. Facebook: Are you ready for the new change? Yep – On March 30th all Facebook pages will switch over to the Timeline format. Are you ready? If you want to get started now, so you can optimize your layout before it goes live, this might help – Free Facebook Timeline Cover Templates.
  2. You’ve probably seen these on Twitter – and they’re a great way to share posts of people you follow, meet some new faces, and share your own best posts.  People can subscribe too.  Want to see an example, and get your own? Here’s mine –The Daily Sunshine. {Tip, when you set it up, make sure to click the settings button that has it go out automatically. I missed that the first time I did mine.}

Share your favorite tools too. I am ALWAYS looking for the newest ways to rock my social media. So…. Yep, you guessed it – share your tips in the comments!

Love it? Share it!

I love to be able to help out my blogging buddies – which is why I put together this resource each week. So, if you found something helpful – pass it on! Use this easy button to retweet it out to your buddies too, or share the link to Facebook, StumbleUpon, Pin it, or whatevah! You’re welcome to post it wherever you think it’ll help out more peeps! Thanks for reading – and I look forward to reading YOUR comments and tips too.
