Black Friday versus Cyber Monday – Which Day Reigns Supreme?… I spent about 15 years working in retail. From sales and stocking shelves, to merchandising and displays, and about half of those years in management, I’ve had a lot of experience with the craziness of Black Friday. It was challenging in so many ways, but sometimes I do miss that excitement – like you’re preparing for the big game or something. Cyber Monday is a newer trend – my early years of retail, it didn’t exist. But as someone who spends the majority of her time online, Cyber Monday definitely wins out for me these days. It’s so much easier to comparison shop from home in my pjs. Plus, I love that I can use sites like Ebates to get extra cash back on everything I buy too! But – you decide: Check out this fun infographic comparing Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and tell me which one you prefer….
The Cyber Monday VS Black Friday by the team at