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Clever Animal Humor: Your Koalafications are Irrelephant…

Seriously, I love this. I love animal humor, and this one is quite clever… Credit: Absolutely Madness on Tumblr.

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clever animal humor
more clever animal humor

Like funny stuff? 

Of course you do. So check out a few others that crack me up on Pinterest – My mom humor board, or the Makes Me Laugh board are both filled with good stuff. Or, read these posts too:


Behind the Scenes of ‘Chimpanzee’ from Disneynature

Chimpanzee by Disney

CHIMPANZEE hits theaters everywhere on April 20th!

I already knew that I wanted to see this movie. I love animals. I love nature. I love Disney. And Abby gets so excited when she sees the previews for this come on the TV. I hadn’t paid too much attention to the TV previews, since I very seldom watch television. So when I found the trailer for this movie in my email today, I wanted to take a minute and check it out. And now – It is a TOTAL must-see for me. Check it out yourself in this behind-the-scenes video….

True-Life Adventure

Disneynature takes moviegoers deep into the forests of Africa with “Chimpanzee,” a new True-Life Adventure introducing an adorable young chimp named Oscar and his entertaining approach to life in a remarkable story of family bonds and individual triumph. Oscar’s playful curiosity and zest for discovery showcase the intelligence and ingenuity of some of the most extraordinary personalities in the animal kingdom. Working together, Oscar’s chimpanzee family—including his mom, Isha, and the group’s savvy leader, Freddy — navigates the complex territory of the forest.


“Chimpanzee” is the fourth release for Disneynature, the first new Disney-branded film label from The Walt Disney Studios in more than 60 years. The label was launched in April 2008 to bring the world’s top nature filmmakers together to capture a variety of wildlife subjects and stories.

Coming Soon

In theaters Earth Day 2012, Disneynature’s newest True-Life Adventure introduces Oscar, a young chimp whose playful curiosity and zest for discovery light up the African forest until a twist of fate leaves Oscar to fend for himself with a little help from an unexpected ally.

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