Most of you know by now that I’m a chronic illness girl. Especially if you follow me over on Instagram, where I talk about my adventures in medical shenanigans often. Not everyone knows the details of my illness though. One that I haven’t talked as much about is liver disease. But that is going to change, starting right now.
Liver disease is a growing issue in this country. And far too often, it’s a silent issue – your liver can take a lot of abuse, and can hang in there doing it’s job under massive stress. By the time you find out that you have liver damage, or issues like fatty liver, or NASH – it’s often pretty far along, and harder to get under control. Which is why the conversations and education about liver disease are SO super important! And, it’s why I’m excited to share the knowledge I’ve gained since I was diagnosed in 2016, answer questions, and partner with some amazingly smart people, as part of a panel all about living with liver disease.
Join us for an engaging fireside chat on April 28th, featuring an expert panel of persons with #liver disease about their lived experience & perspectives on living with #NAFLD #NASH during the #COVID19 pandemic & beyond. Register now to secure your spot – this is limited to only the first 100 people to sign up.
At the sign up link you can learn more about the panelists and hosts, and there is a place for you to add your info too: Do you have a question that you would like to be answered during the event? Type it into the registration form today, so we can make sure to have that info for you on the day of the event! Would you like to be called on to ask your question live during the event? If so, indicate that too, or you can have one of the moderators ask the question for you if you feel more comfortable.
After doing Zoom school for the past year with my daughter, I know how much anxiety there is at times, jumping in and asking questions live. So, no worries if you aren’t into that. :) Just add your questions in advance and we’ll be sure they get answered. You can also feel free to reach out to me personally — Instagram is usually the quickest way for me to see a message. You can follow and message me here: Or send me a tweet at, or email me directly at Seriously. If you have any questions about liver disease and/or the webinar, reach out, and I’ll do my best to help.
If you’d like to read more about my journey with liver disease, you can read my story on the Fatty Liver Foundation site here: Meagan’s Place, that details my sudden liver failure in 2016, how I got my diagnosis, learning to live with such a life-changing disease that has no cure, and my path back to happiness.
And sign up for the webinar today – Fatty Liver Foundation Webinar – and mark your calendars for April 28th! Then use the tweet button below to share this with anyone else you think might be interested too.
Join me April 28th for a chat about living with liver disease. Event features an expert panel {including me!} sharing our perspectives on living with #NAFLD #NASH during #COVID19 & beyond. Register now to secure a spot: Read more:
— 📚Meagan Paullin (@SunandSipCups) April 21, 2021