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Finding Strength and Love in the Walmart Aisles…

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So. This year has been a tough one. So many changes, and pretty much all of them incredibly difficult. Full story for you coming soon, but you can read a bit about my health saga drama if you’d like. Anywho… One big change I’m still adjusting to is not having a man of the house. It’s now just Abby and I, and sometimes my mom, since I need a lot of help these days. Abby says this is our “Girl Cave.” Heck yes it is. But, it is kind of nice when you have a handsome man around the house. Taking out the trash, helping with big projects, being the “muscle of the house” if you will. But, you then have to put up with yucky stuff like toilet seats left up, and dirty socks laying around. Tough balance.

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