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Is Food an Addiction for You?

This post was created as part of a relationship in which I was sponsored by Weight Watchers and given a free three month subscription to try their new Personal Coaching and Essentials product, watch their Super Bowl “All You Can Eat” commercial and share my experience. Though I was compensated for my time and commitment, all views, positive and negative, are my own.

So, by now you’ve been following me and my weight loss journey for quite some time. About a year and a half ago I got super motivated, lost about 20 pounds in less than 4 months, was SUPER excited about that.

Then? Then I got complacent. Or maybe lazy? No, not lazy. Just busy. Very busy, and very distracted. I work at home while trying to manage a super wild preschooler. I travel a lot. We’re remodeling our whole house. We’ve had some major family crisis stuff. There are only so many hours in a day, and only so many things I can concentrate on. And one thing that I let slip was diet and exercise.

But recently I partnered up with the awesome people at Weight Watchers. Not only do I get access to their awesome program and tools – being able to track the foods I eat, get awesome recipes, chat with other members, get helpful tips, and more – but I also have a personal coach who is amazing. I get to chat with her whenever I need to, and since she’s someone who has already successfully lost a ton of weight with Weight Watchers, she’s got loads of advice to help me stay on track this time. Instead of a “diet” like I did before in my life, she’s helping me learn a new lifestyle. LOVE her <3

Weight Watchers helps you avoid food temptations [Read more…]


Pumpkin Spice Muffins – Grain Free Recipe

Physician Advises: Skip the Grains But Not the Treats This Holiday Season… Cardiologist and Best-Selling Author Dr. William Davis Shares Grain-Free Recipes for the holidays and tips to stay healthy. This post wasn’t compensated – just wanted to share some cool info.

At a time when we most want to look and feel our best, we seem to do everything possible to ensure we don’t, says cardiologist Dr. William Davis. “The weather starts to change and we reach for the pumpkin-spice cookies, cider doughnuts and beer, which launches us into processed carbohydrates season,” says Dr. Davis, author of “Wheat Belly Total Health,” (, the latest in his bestselling “Wheat Belly” series. {And I’m the first to admit that I am a processed carb-aholic. Seriously.}

Wheat Belly, Total Health, Grain Free Recipe Ideas [Read more…]


Pumpkin Spice Cocktail Recipe

Today I made my Sweet’N Low Pumpkin Spice Cocktail as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #SweetNLowStars.

I love fall. Honestly, as much as I love summer and pool parties – fall is really my favorite time of year. I love hoodies, boots, crisp and cool weather, apples, {I’m in central Washington, apple capital of the world, pretty much.} I love how fall is like, the gateway to the super-fun holiday season. And I love the foods and flavors – especially anything pumpkin-y.

How to make a pumpkin spice cocktail

So, since I love this time of year, and do a lot of entertaining, I wanted to create a new drink for our fall celebrations. Something totally delicious, fall-flavored, and of course – find a way to shave a few calories off of a party drink too. Check it out – my Pumpkin Spice Cocktail! #Ohmyheckyum

Pumpkin Spice Cocktail [Read more…]


Making Kids’ Healthy Lunches Awesome

I’m excited to share the new premium line of lunchmeat from Hillshire Farm with you – I was compensated for sharing this info with you – but it’s all 100% my opinion, as always! #HillshireNaturals

As a mom, there are SO many tasks to juggle every day. And the start of a new school year always brings even more challenges – adjusting to new school schedules, finding time for all of the fall sports and activities, starting to think about the upcoming holiday season, and on and on. I’m sure that by now you’re starting to settle into new routines – but I know one thing I hear a lot from you guys is coming up with ways to pack healthy lunches your kids will really eat, that are affordable too. Well – I’ve got a couple of fun tips today to help you with that!

Fun kids lunch ideas, roll-ups, healthy. [Read more…]


Vote in the #TastefullyCrafted Contest to Win a Trip to the Great American Beer Festival!

This post brought to you by Green Mountain Gringo all-natural chips and salsa. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Sunshine and Sippy Cups.

What does tastefully crafted mean to you? Is it a delicious family recipe passed down for years? Brewing your own beers or canning your own homegrown produce? Or maybe a favorite store-bought product… something that’s all natural, gluten-free, non-GMO, and fits into a vegetarian diet too? Those all sound #tastefullycrafted to me!


Right now Green Mountain Gringo, an all-natural craft salsa made right here in the US, in Winston-Salem, NC, is running a contest to celebrate what tastefully crafted means to you – since that’s the perfect description of their own products! By submitting a photo to their Facebook wall or on Instagram, using the #tastefullycrafted hashtag, you’ll get entered to win a trip for two to the Great American Beer Festival in Denver. How cool is that, right?

[Read more…]


Why I’m Falling in Love with the Philips Airfryer

Big thank you to Best Buy for sending me a complimentary Philips Airfryer to test out and share with you guys. It is AWESOME and I know you’ll love it too!

I am a healthy eater, 90% of the time. You wouldn’t know it by looking at the size of my hips, but it’s true. I eat small portions, whole grains, lots of fruits and veggies. But…. I have been known to say that “deep fried” is one of my favorite flavors :) And this would be an area where I splurge once in a while. We have a deep fryer, and ohmanohman can it make some good stuff. But it’s hot, messy, and FATTENING! So when I learned that there was a new super-cool technology that would give me a healthier alternative to frying… I was totally excited to try it out. Skeptical, I admit. But excited.

Philip's Airfryer - multitasker in the kitchen. Fry, bake, roast, AND grill!

Philips Airfryer is a total multitasker in the kitchen. It can fry, bake, roast, AND grill. Which I appreciate… I’m a kitchen gadget addict. But I only have so much room in the kitchen. So anything that has multiple purposes is a win, and a space saver. So – let’s take this as a dating scenario… He looked good in his online ad. And, upon meeting him – he made a good first impression. [Read more…]


Under the Sea Lunch Idea

I’m always looking for easy, frugal, and FUN ways to help the kiddos eat healthier. And, actually eat – you know what I mean? It’s hard enough staying on a budget. It’s worse when the kids don’t like what you serve, and you end up throwing things away. So, I decided to take a few minutes each day – honestly, it only takes a few more minutes prep to make fun lunches, I promise! – to create meals that entertain the kids enough to actually eat…..

Under the Sea lunch - #BumbleBeeB2S [Read more…]
