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About Me – Meagan Paullin of Sunshine and Sippy Cups

“The phrase “working mother” is redundant.”

I’m Meagan – a Momma, a Blogger, a Freelance Writer, and a total Social Media Junkie. I love sparkles and polka dots, live on coffee and cupcakes, and love sharing the BEST “Busy Mom Solutions” with you each day.

Why Sunshine and Sippy Cups?

You can read more about why I decided to start this blog, where the name of this site came from, and what my big goals are for 2012 – {Hint, my goals start with #1: Be More Awesome. It’s gonna be a good year, I can feel it.} By visiting and subscribing to Sunshine and Sippy Cups, you can become a part of the fun community here. I love the comments I get from you guys, and I love the interaction with you all every day on Facebook and Twitter. My goal each day here is this – “Smart Solutions for Busy Moms – Simplifying Life One Post at a Time” – I’m always searching for the very best new products, sites, and services that can make my busy mom life easier –  and I adore having the opportunity to share them with you, too!

Fun Places Where You Might Find Me

Interested in Partnering with Sunshine and Sippy Cups?

I love meeting new faces, learning about new brands, and working on new projects – and would love to hear from YOU! From product reviews and giveaways, brand ambassadorship, conference sponsorship, or blogger outreach – I look forward to hearing your ideas and partnering with you. Learn more about my planned projects and content themes for 2012 – and Contact me to learn more about my reach, influence, and updated stats.

You can reach me by email – Meagan, at

I will be attending Reviewer’s Retreat in June, and presenting a session to beginning review bloggers on how to increase their reach. Then in August, I will be attending BlogHer ’12 as a team, with two other rockstar bloggers. If you are a fun and exciting company that would like to have your brand represented at either of these events – I would love to be part of your marketing plan this year! If you are interested in learning more about sponsoring me as a brand ambassador at events, please email me to discuss.

“She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn’t take them along.” – Margaret Culkin Banning

This blog is a little bit random, just like me. Anything I find, learn, create, or discover- anything that I think is inspiring, fun, or helpful for other busy moms, I’ll share it with you here. Being a mom is what my life is centered around, and most of what I write about is targeted towards other mommas – But I hope that even if you’re not a mom, you find a ton of fun & helpful info here.


  1. I LOVE THIS MEAGAN :-) I could use so much of this but have always been hesitant as to which sites were safe or not. THANK YOU

    • I started using these kinds of sites a few years ago, and there are a LOT of them that are not worth the time, have rewards that are unattainable or not very valuable, and a few are just scams! But these are all sites that I use and have had luck with. I’m glad that they helped ya a bit!

  2. What a great blog! I hope it is successful for you. Stop by and say, “hello”, we love to support moms!

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      Thank you so much!! I just went to check you out too, and am following you now, so I don’t miss anything :)

      Very sweet of you to leave the kind words… Starting a blog is a lot of work, and it is still very new, and I’m still learning a lot as I go. But it has been a lot of fun too, and I love meeting new people that stop by….. <3

  3. This is amazing woman…I love it…

  4. Tracy Chappell says

    Hi there – You responded to a question on the Today’s Parent Facebook page about morning trouble spots. We’d love to use your idea about setting the timer for each morning “task” to keep kids moving along in a story we’re running in our Sept. issue. I just need your name and location to include with the quote, if you don’t mind.

    Thanks for getting back to me!
    Tracy Chappell

  5. Hello Megan! Thanks for your blog page and all your resources. Love your intro, you seem like a wonderful person ;)
    I’ve been making sure to save for years but just really getting into maximizing the coupons and toolbars out there!
    I am starting a blog, I am very very new to blogging (even tho hubby is IT!) and stumbling through but will have it up & going in no time; I want to promote my Avon business plus share the coupon sites & money saving items too.
    Have an awesome day!

  6. I would like to change the e-mail address that I used to register with Sunshine and Sippy Cups. Is this possible or will I have to register again with the new e-mail address ?

    I love your website. Thank you for helping me.

  7. I’m looking forward to seeing what can be done with a tight budget! I’m a new follower and e-mail subscriber via the Super Stalker Sunday blog hop!
    Stop by:

  8. Meagan you are absolutely a-MAY-zing! Look at you go, congrats! We will have to meet up sometime, I think I could learn a few things from you!

  9. Hi Meagan,
    I have actually seen your website come across my screen multiple times – mostly via MBC – and I decided to follow you! What most recently caught my attention was your answer to the WordPress & Advertising post.
    I’ve recently started (and I’m in the process – so don’t judge my jumbled blog lol!) trying to take my blog to the next level — maybe even trying to make a little extra cash off of it (that’s completely wishful thinking right now). I was just hoping I could learn a thing or two from you! :)

    I look forward to reading/hearing more from you!

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      Hi Stephanie!

      Thanks so much for taking the time to come and visit my blog :) I hope you learn some new tips, I have a series that I started last week.. {And, didn’t finish! I hosted a first birthday party at my home with almost 100 guests, and was VERY overwhelmed!} but will finish up this week. If you look under “Blogging Resource” on the categories in my sidebar, you’ll find the {Blogging Tips} series to check out. Some great networks and resources in it that should help you a ton!

      I’ll definitely check out your blog today, and if I have any advice or suggestions, I’ll send you an email :) But again, I’ve only been doing this for around 6 months, so I’m still no expert! And if you ever have any questions, feel free to email me at, and I’ll try to help you. You can also leave a comment on my Facebook page, and sometimes the other ladies reading can help too! Good luck!!

  10. Poppa-Dad says

    This is all so Pro! How cool to be helping yourself & so many others! Wow, I’m so very proud of you.Much more than I had realized! KOODOS!

  11. I saw that you “liked” my At Home with Meg FB page, so did a little investigating to find out more about you.
    I have not had time to look through your site too much, but I enjoy what I have seen so far. We are on opposite sides of the country, I am in CT. Looking forward to reading more from you.
    Take care-

  12. Wow- wee & Gadzoooks! You are now everywhere. Such wonderful responses from so many people, & so deserved! YOU GO GIRRL! What a darling ‘lil girl, need more pictures of that precious smiley face. Of course I am a tad bit biased, Ha! Ha1 Keep on keepin’ on, people need sources like this. Infomative, & delightfully fun.

  13. What a fantastic site you have here! I’m new to blogging myself ( and I’m finding it all more than a bit confusing. Having a website as great as yours is certainly a goal for me! Thank you for all of the tips – I’ll be following you on Facebook!

  14. WOW! What a HUGE inspiration. Your energy and positivity are contagious. You are definitely a natural born leader!

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      Awww…. Julie – that is the sweetest thing I’ve heard in a long time! Thank you so very much for the great compliments :)

  15. Wow, you have talent. I just came across your site randomly and I am impressed. I am a new mommy blogger and am loving it. Well done to you :-)

  16. Wow you are inspiring! I’m also a new Mommy Blogger and it is so cool to see what you’ve accomplished. I am now a follower! I would love for you to check out my new page. All about my life with my family and kids and stuff I like along the way!

    Good luck to you!

  17. Cool site!! :) I’ll have to subscribe to your blog – it looks like you’ve got some great info!!

  18. Thank you

  19. Hi there!

    I have a quick question about “Sunshine and Sippy Cups” please email me when you get a chance…thank you!

  20. Meagan,
    THANK YOU so very much for all the hard work & goodies you provide for the Pick Up A Mountain Clean Up on Chinook Pass this past month. You donated so many items that it helped our sales of tickets tremendously for the event. You ROCK!
    Soon you will be able to read & see photos of the event/clean up on our FB page.
    Pam & the Pick Up A Mountain Crew

  21. Sue Paullin Watt says

    Hi Meagan: I just now looked at your web site and WOW. I had lunch with your dad (who is my nephew—I am the sister of Grover Paullin) and Marijo who is my niece, of course. Your dad told me and my sister, Deanna, about your web site. It is super. I just wanted you to know that as your cousin of some sort or rather a relative of some sort that I am here is Seattle, Wa. Keep up the good work. Sue

    • Meagan Paullin says

      Hi Sue! How crazy – nice to “meet” you :) It’s too bad I haven’t gotten to meet more of the family – and now dad and Marijo are moving, so it’ll be even tougher to get to meet more family! But I’m glad to connect with you here!!

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