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Get Rewarded for Being an Opinionated Momma!

This is a sponsored post. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Are you an opinionated mom?

Wait…. aren’t ALL moms pretty opinionated? I think it comes with the territory, right? We’ve seen stuff. We KNOW stuff. And, in the chaos of the constant daily juggling of home and groceries and meals and sports and carpool and homework and social life and personal life…. Well, we have to handle a lot of stuff, we make a lot of decisions, and that gives us a LOT of info to give as feedback to the brands who make the sites, stores, services, products, and prices that we deal with in each of those chaotic days.

Share your opinions and get free stuff!

Have you ever wished that you could share an idea or opinion directly with a company you love to create positive change? Like, a favorite flavor that you totally wish your favorite yogurt maker would start offering? A new style of packaging that would make hauling snacks to after-school sports and activities a million times simpler and cleaner? Well – now is your chance to share those opinions, AND get rewarded for all of your smarty pants thoughts! Winning, right?

C Space is a company that helps brands grow by connecting them with their real-life customers, who give opinions to create impactful insights for those brands. 

They’re recruiting right now, and I’m helping. You’re invited to join Catch by C Space where you will have the opportunity to join online communities and take surveys so that you can directly impact a variety of brands who work with C Space like Bose, Nestle, Walmart, McDonald’s, and Samsung (just to name a few). Whether you’re interested in retail, athletics, and beauty, food, or technology brands there’s a large assortment of research activities to interact with. I’ve done some of these, similar type of communities, and I love it.

In addition to your impact on these companies’ products and services, you will have many opportunities to earn valuable rewards like Amazon gift codes for your participation in online communities and through surveys you take in Catch. And there’s no big commitment – simply add your thoughts, answer a few questions, give feedback on new products or packaging – whenever you have the time.

To register for Catch, just answer a few quick questions and you’ll be on your way! It’s seriously just a couple pages – took me less than 2 minutes to fill out. Then, they’ll let you know later if you’re accepted!!

Membership to Catch is by invitation only and spots are filling up fast, so take this quick survey today to see if you qualify:

Be sure to share this with anyone else you know who might want to give their opinions too. There are easy peasy buttons to share to your own Facebook or Twitter, or you can pin this for later. It’s easy and fun, and the Amazon gift codes will add up, and be a lot of fun as extra “mad money,” as we call it around here.

And seriously, isn’t this just so great, mommas? Finally – not only does someone legit really want to listen to you, but they’re going to REWARD you for your opinions too! :)


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