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What Real Moms Need in their Diaper Bag or Purse

Thank you to HUGGIES for sponsoring today’s post and inspiring me to try HUGGIES WIPES AT WALMART! If you’re a blogger interested in working on fun partnerships like this, learn more about Linqia…

Being a mom is the most rewarding job in the world. But it’s also a messy one. Between diapers and potty training and mud and sticky snacks and play dates and colds and allergies and boogers and….Well, you know what I mean. It’s a never-ending job keeping kiddos clean. Not to mention all of the other messes in life – spills at home or in the car, germ-filled shopping carts and play areas, make-up removal, stained shirt on the way to work… and on and on and on. Which is why I’ve always kept a pack or two of Huggies® Wipes somewhere handy, to clean up pretty much any mess that comes my way, with a quickness. Because messes? Ain’t nobody got time for that…. :)

What moms really need in a diaper bag or purse to be prepared for anything - fun tips!

Because kids outgrow diapers, not messes* #TripleClean

There aren’t too many products that outgrow the “baby phase” of motherhood. There are a few for us… the Boppy Pillow is something we still use; Abby likes to wrap it around her while watching movies. A stuffed animal and blanky usually make it past baby years, as comfort items. My purse, that you see above, was once a diaper bag. But it’s sleek and stylish enough that you’d never know it. {I also use this one from timi & leslie.} And, whether you’re the mom of a baby, toddler, preschooler – or transitioning into the kindergarten phase like I am {hold me! She starts kinder in just a couple of weeks! Oh my!….} There are some things that all mommas should have, no matter what age their kiddos are:

1. Camera. There are so many precious moments. Babies grow up so dang fast. Always be sure to have your camera on hand, to catch all of those memories you don’t want to forget. I try to have my DSLR with me most of the time, to get really good photos. If not, I have my iPhone to snap quick pics. {Need a new phone, or want to upgrade? Check out Gazelle for a good deal.}

2. Tablet. I don’t think kids need to constantly have tech at their fingertips, especially young ones. But, on a car ride, long wait in line at the grocery or in a carpool lane, or any other boring circumstance that comes up – a tablet filled with cool learning apps can be a lifesaver for you both. I recommend It has a small monthly fee, but is SO worth it.

3. Water and snacks. I always keep these in my bag. I like the Envirosax water bottles a lot. I’ve used several for years, they hold up great, and the aluminum helps keep things extra cold. {I’m also a fan of their Reusable Shopping Bags – mostly as a way to hold preschooler messes. They roll into tiny balls to store in your purse, but open into full giant tote bag size, and are waterproof. Because even potty trained kiddos have accidents. Right?} And for snacks, our current favorite is shown – graham cracker squares with dark chocolate from Nature Valley!

4. Portable charger. This is such a lifesaver! When you’re on the go – whether traveling, running errands, or just at the park for too long – it’s amazing to be able to charge all of your devices on the go. I use this ALL.THE.TIME. If you don’t have one yet, it’s life changing, promise :)

5. Huggies® Wipes. Is there anything these can’t do? The only thing from my purse I use more than wipes is my phone, lol. Wipes work for cleaning: electronics, hands, car seats, spills in the car, grocery carts, faces, bottoms, spills on your shirt, spills on their shirts, sand on kiddos at the beach, sand on kiddos at the playground, noses, sippy cups, tables at a fast food place, I could go on and on. These are an absolute must, and work for pretty much every single mess that happens in your daily life! In fact, did you know there are actually 101 ways to use Huggies® Wipes?

Huggies Wipes work for EVERY mess moms have in their life! Learn all the ways to use them

The new Huggies® Wipes with TripleClean™ technology are better than any others you’ll find. And they’re perfect for any mess your life, or in your family’s life – not just for babies and their bums :) The TripleClean™ technology is new… They say it cleans anything with one swipe, instead of wiping a million times. I was a little skeptical. I have a 5 year old who was late to being fully potty trained, but is rockin’ it now. But the whole wiping her bottom deal isn’t always going well, lol. These though – one wipe, done. For real. So I can vouch for this, and that these Huggies® Wipes seriously are a rockstar product!!

And, in addition to being a must have when you have kiddos, here are a few other reasons you need them, mom or not:

  • Makeup remover: Work just as good as those “make up remover wipes” kind of products you can buy. But cheaper, more gentle on sensitive skin, and not as fragranced. Love.
  • Doggies: If you have a dog that often runs in the mud or dirt and tracks in the house – use wipes to clean their feet before letting them into the house. Easy peasy!
  • Household: Use these around the house to clean little messes. They’re usually cheaper than things like other cleaning wipes, but do the job just as well, and are better for surfaces that are sensitive. They even can take washable markers or crayons off of the wall!

See a few more ideas here too:

  • Explorers: Don’t let a little mess get in the way of a lot of fun! HUGGIES® Wipes helps ALL explorers stay in the adventure. #bestfriend
  • Pasta Baby: uestion: What happens when babies and pasta collide? Answer: HUGGIES® Wipes with TripleClean* layers.
  • Playtime Video of kiddos: Playtime can be a dirty job. HUGGIES® Wipes. Keep the play. Not the dirty.




  1. Great ideas. You know, having a camera on hand is a great idea. I have had to ask others with cameras on their phones to grab a picture for me. If only I had thought to bring my own.

    I started using Hugges wipes for all sorts of things recently. So far my favorites is to clean the fingerprints and smudges off my black appliances. They look so pretty now.

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