{Disclaimer: I received compensation to share this post and my thoughts about cord blood banking with you guys. But- this is my story, and all opinions are my own.}
One of these days I’ll get around to writing the full story about my unexpected journey to motherhood. But let’s just say – I’d never planned to become a mom. I didn’t feel comfortable holding a friend’s new baby. I knew nothing about babies. Then, after 5 years of dating, we unexpectedly found out we were expecting. Oh my.
I tried to prepare for Abby’s birth. I bought baby clothes. Set up a crib. Stocked up on supplies like diapers and wipes. But there are a few really important things I really wish I’d done before she arrived. Especially because she surprised me by coming 3 weeks early. {And keep reading until the end to find out how you can WIN $2,000 worth of baby gear!}
1. Packing a hospital bag. I figured I had plenty of time. So, when my water broke, and we had to head up to the hospital, I didn’t even know what to bring. I threw an outfit and a toothbrush in a bag and headed out. We ended up being in the hospital for over a week; part of it with her in ICU. So there was no way I was leaving. I ended up wearing a hospital gown for 3 days until she was stable enough that my boyfriend could head home to get me my things. So definitely do this early!
2. Learned more about breastfeeding. Sure, I knew I was going to do it. But I didn’t know anything about it. I just figured she’s a baby, and I’ve got a boob, how hard can it be? Well, since she had a traumatic birth I knew nothing about asking for a pump for a couple days before I could hold her. I didn’t realize how difficult it could be to get started. When they brought her to the pediatric department finally, and I was having problems with it, I should have asked for help instead of allowing them to feed her a bottle – that made it even harder! I wish I’d researched it a little more.
3. I wish I’d prepped our house better. Yes, that would have been difficult to do completely since she came early. But I should have made more freezer meals, had the house more clean, so there’d be less to do when I got home.
4. I wish I’d asked for more help and advice. I didn’t really have a huge group of friends at the time, and just a couple of close friends who had babies already. I wish I’d asked them to tell me more about the birth process – when they came in to take apart the table – oh my! I didn’t expect that. I had no idea how to change a diaper, the nurses at the hospital had to teach me. {I was 30 years old!} There are a lot of surprises that could have been averted.
5. Thought about cord blood banking. This wasn’t even on my radar. I’d vaguely heard about it, but that was it. But seriously, if I could do it all over again – or if I ever do have another baby in the future {not planning to, but life throws ya curveballs, obviously :)} – I would definitely make it a priority. My daughter almost died at birth. Years later, she had a seizure disorder that was terrifying while we were figuring it out. And who knows what other ways she’ll scare me in the future. Cord blood banking is a way that you can plan for your child’s future health.
Haven’t heard of cord blood banking? Or just confused on what it is, or why it’s important? I was for a long time too. But a friend made the decision to a year ago, and I was amazed at what I learned. Check out this video to understand a little more – if you’re not familiar with cord blood banking I think you’ll be seriously impressed.
Medical professionals are learning more every day about using our body’s own resources to help with diseases by using stem cells. As we learn more, there will be even more opportunities to use stem cell therapies as opposed to drugs or surgery. Imagine the possibilities. And while I hope she never has a disease or injury where she’d need this, it’s definitely something I wish I had available for my daughter.
I’d love to hear from you guys – have any of you had this done with your child? What are your thoughts on it? Leave some comments below, or come chat with me on Facebook. You can also read more tips, tricks, cool ideas, and advice by joining over 12,000 other parents following my All About Baby Pinterest board!
Speaking of chat – Join us in the conversation about cord blood banking on Twitter – July 30th at 7pm CST using the hashtag #CariCord. Be sure to follow CariCord and me, SunandSipCups on Twitter.
And – check this out: If you’d like to learn more, find more information about CariCord by calling: 844-227-4267. You can also request an absolutely free cord blood banking information kit online -and when you do you’re also entered to win $2,000 worth of baby gear! You have to check out the prize package, it’s amazing.
Learning about cord blood banking and winning a $2,000 prize package? What better way to get your baby’s new life off to a fantastic start…..
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