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Join the #PinIt Pinterest Party!

Welcome to another amazing week of our Pinterest party! #PinIt Pin Party – link up your favorite pin of the week, and I’ll repin it and share it around. Then be sure to visit some of the other link-uppers too :)

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Welcome to the #PinIt Pin Party!

Who is ready to have some fun!?! We had a terrific turn out last week and hope to have you join in the fun this week. Before we begin, check out the MOST CLICKED submissions from last week’s Pin Party! We just LOVE these…




{Simply CLICK the image to #PinIT}

Meet Your Pin Party Hosts


Jen from Pin-n-Tell

Visit Jen’s profile on Pinterest.


Dawn from Pin-n-Tell

Visit Dawn’s profile on Pinterest.


Meagan from Sunshine and Sippycups

Visit Meagan’s profile on Pinterest.


Ashley from Embracing Homemaking

Visit Ashley’s profile on Pinterest.

Jessica and Nellie

Jessica & Nellie from Butter with a Side of Bread

Visit their profile on Pinterest.

Visit their profile on Pinterest.


We encourage all bloggers to join our pin party and link up any post from your blog or Pinterest account that you would like to share.

To make the party even more fun, remember…

  • By linking up at our #PinIt: Pin Parties, you are giving us permission to feature your submissions on our social media outlets and be considered to be featured as a Pinner of the Week… with a link back to you of course :)
  • We will be monitoring the submissions, checking them out and pinning our favorites!
  • Be sure to visit and PIN or comment on at least 2 other links. Let’s spread the love.
  • We would love it if you spread the word about the party on social media or by adding our button to your site.
  • Please only link up to your blog posts or pins. No affiliate posts, sponsored posts, ads or products. If you have an Etsy shop, we would LOVE to feature you in our Shopping Saturday posts so please be sure to contact us!

Need more incentive to join in and #PinIt? Every week, some lucky participants will WIN fun prizes and get featured on our site! Whoo hoo!

Here’s how you can be a part of our Pin Party: Simply insert the URL for your PIN or Blog Post, so that we can showcase your creativeness! This party is open to any FAMILY FRIENDLY posts or pins. We will be monitoring the submissions, checking them out and pinning our favorites! So, be sure to #PinIT!

Let’s introduce our fans, and everyone on Pinterest, to your great posts, pins and creativity :) Have FUN… and Enjoy!


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