This post is sponsored by Frigidaire in partnership with Best Buy. I received an awesomesauce Frigidaire Induction Range to try out their new technology, so that I could share my thoughts with you guys. You’ll love it! #InductionStar
I like to cook. I’m just not the best cook. I love to bake. And when it comes to baking, I like to think I’m pretty rad. I was a vegetarian for most of my 20’s {we don’t need to talk about how long ago those were, ok?} so I never really learned to cook meat. Good thing the Mister cooks that stuff. But I’m totally a pasta girl. I can rock some pasta dishes. But, something that is one of those random things that annoys the heck out of me is waiting for water to boil. Seriously. I hate waiting for that water when I make pasta. Silly. I know. But the average time to boil water is about 10 minutes, depending on your range, cookware, and how much water you’re boiling. I’m a busy woman, ok? :) So when I heard about the new Frigidaire Range – that was not only a pretty darn sexy appliance, but could also boil water in less than 2 minutes, I was like…. Hey baby, come on over. Show me how hot you are. {Sorry, is it just me who gets this excited over new appliances?}
Did you even SEE that? Like, seriously. I show every.single.person. who comes to my house how this works. They all think I’m crazy at first, to show them a boiling pot of water. And then within 30 seconds they’re all like, “Whaaaaa? Are you KIDDING me? Where do I get one of these?” And I’m all like, “At Best Buy, dude.” And they realize how rad this is.
How does this work? No clue. Pretty sure it’s magic. Like, Harry Potter style. {The wine helps make more magic.} If you want to learn more about how Induction Technology works, check this out: How Stuff Works: Induction Cooking. But I can tell you from a moms perspective how it works – it boils water in a flash. On Thanksgiving we had no plans, because I was sick. But the Mister went out around 10am, bought a big frozen turkey, and with this range, we cooked it fully – from FROZEN – in about 4 1/2 hours. Crazy. Another benefit too is that since the cooktop only gets hot where the cookware is, nothing can spill over and burn onto the stovetop. Amazing.
See how awesome it is?? And, it’s just…. pretty :) Check it out compared to my old range…
My previous range was still really new, and in great shape. But man…. Look at how much nicer this new Frigidaire from Best Buy looks? I’m seriously going to replace all of my other appliances to match, as funds allow. There’s a rockin’ fridge, and an awesome dishwasher. I can’t recommend these enough!
If you’re in love too, be sure to follow the #InductionStar hashtag on social media, and follow @BestBuy and @Frigidaire on Twitter. And if you love gadgets, appliances, tech, and cool stuff that makes your mom-life easier, be sure to connect with me on my Best Buy Bloggers Pinterest board!
Have you ever used a Frigidaire appliance? Have you ever used induction technology? What do you love/hate about your current range? Chat with me in the comments below!

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