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World’s Largest Ugly Sweater Party

During the holidays, I love to entertain. But, in between all of the festive events that I host here at my house, I also love to go somewhere to grab a bite for dinner that I DON’T have to make and clean up after. So I’m totally loving this fun idea… To warm up for the holidays, Red Robin is hosting the “World’s Largest Ugly Sweater Party,” all day long on Wednesday, December 10! Any guest who visits Red Robin decked out in their most fabulously festive “ugly holiday sweater” will receive a FREE appetizer with purchase. How cool is that, right?

To warm up for the holidays, Red Robin is hosting the “World’s Largest Ugly Sweater Party,” all day long on Wednesday, December 10! Any guest who visits Red Robin decked out in their most fabulously festive “ugly holiday sweater” will receive a FREE appetizer with purchase.

The “World’s Largest Ugly Sweater Party” is happening at Red Robin restaurants nationwide. Visit to find the nearest location. And you know that anytime there’s an ugly sweater party, I’m totally there. I have a really wide selection of sweaters to choose from, from past Christmas parties :) Plus, I seriously LOVE me some Red Robin – I usually get cheese sticks for an appetizer, a Freckled Lemonade, and a chicken sandwich with the amazing bottomless fries as my entree. DAH-lish.

And…. any guest who purchases a Red Robin holiday gift card with a value between $25 and $45 will also receive a $5 bonus buck reward for each card. Which is a nice little bonus if you need to buy some holiday gifts for friends and family!


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