This is a sponsored campaign with Mums the Word Network and Quaker Chewy. All opinions are my own. I only share stuff with you guys that I love and think is super rad, and that I would want to hear about. #PinkyPromise :)
I’ve realized lately that I really can’t call Abby a “toddler” anymore. She’s seriously a big girl. She’ll be 4 at the end of July. She’s bigger and taller than most 5 or 6 year olds we know. And she’s just getting so darn grown up. But she’s keeping the silly side – this is what our life looks like… Fairy wings, messy hair, wearing a dog tag we got at a no-kill shelter benefit event, a kazillion pictures she’s colored hung on the fridge, and posing while eating her fave snacks – Quaker Chewy bars. Yep. That sums up my life, perfectly, lol.
Abby is a crazy-active kiddo. And I love that Quaker Chewy helps gives kids the energy they need to play. SO it makes sense that Quaker and NERF are teaming up to fuel backyard fun, helping families get out and get active together, right in their own backyard. Because what kid can resist a NERF toy? Totally helps motivate them for outdoor fun!
When you buy three specially-marked boxes of Quaker Chewy, you can enter the codes online at to get a free Nerf sports item. The available items are the Nerf N-Sports Weather Blitz All Conditions Football, the Nerf N-Sports Pro Grip Football, the Nerf N-Sports Nerfoop Set, the Nerf Sports Bash Ball, and the Nerf Super Soaker Tidal Tube Blaster 2-Pack. Super fun, right? And as a frugal mom, you know I’m all about freebies :)
Obviously we all know that Quaker Chewy is a great snack on it’s own – but it is also a perfect way to jazz up other meals. We use it mixed into oatmeal in the morning. Mixed with trail mix for afternoon snacks. Or topping on pudding like this lunch “snack tray.” Definitely a regular item on my weekly grocery list!
By PNW, I assume you mean Pacific Northwest? If so, I am proud to call myself an Oregonian! :)
I am somewhat confused about the question. Are you asking about the Pacific Northwest? I live there now. I love all the Lakes nearby and the hiking trails and parks. I just do not like how cold it gets. One Place I would love to visit is Seattle again. It is such a pretty City!
I live in the PNW and I love it!! I love how close you are to the beach and the mountains. You can go and do any activity you want. Plus it is so green and beautiful!
I have visited the PNW (wasn’t sure what you were talking about/googled it) haha oh well! I hope I got it right!
Years ago I visited the area including northern California, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Canada and other areas. Oh, was there anything I didn’t love about it??? If I could live there (Montana, Wyoming, Oregon and Idaho were probably my favorite areas) in the Summer months and on the Alabama coast for the winter, I would so do it! The mountains, the lakes, the absolute Beauty!!! I don’t think there is a more beautiful place on earth! Thank you for the opportunity with this great giveaway!
Our family uses Quaker as a good source of energy to help us get going for the day. We do a lot of hiking here in the North woods and bring Quaker granola with us on our trips.
Our family snacks on quaker bars when we are on the road or going out for a picnic or show or something. It’s a handy delicious snack!
We have Quaker chewy bars for snacks and on the go breakfast. We love having oatmeal for breakfast too.
These make great afternoon snacks for when their energy starts to slow down.
We eat Quaker chewy bars as snacks or as a quick breakfast on-the-go. It gives us just the right energy boost we need!
I throw them in our beach bag on our Beach Days.
I have not tried them but would love to my son eats gluten free and I wish they would come out with some products for those with celiacs disease.
We love Ouaker Chewy bars to give us energy when riding our bikes and going on walking trails. We like the Chocolate Chip flavor.
I always buy the variety pack of the Quaker Chewy Granola Bars because everybody has a different favorite bar. My son likes chocolate chip, my husband likes peanut butter, and I like oatmeal raisin. I love that we are getting a healthy dose of whole grains no matter which bar we choose. We spend a lot of quality time together on the weekends and enjoy snacking on the bars when we take breaks.
great for after school snakes
and summer snakes two!
we bring Quaker chewy bars with us to the park or other places where we know the kids will be using lots of energy.
These Quaker Chewy bars make a great afternoon snack.