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How to Bring Spring into Your Home

This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks and Febreze, about their limited edition spring scents. I only share stuff I’m crazy-in-love with. And I think you’ll love this too!

Spring is in the air! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed that I’m having a total spring-fling romance with my garden these days – we finally have some sun, and the flowers are bloomin’ everywhere! I’m such an outdoorsy type of girl, and love when the weather gets nice enough to finally throw open the windows to freshen up the house, and let the smell of flowers coming drifting in….

How to bring springtime into your home

I love to wander our gardens and cut flowers to bring into the house – it doesn’t even matter what type of blooms I bring in, they always brighten my day! Flowers bring color, brightness, and pretty scents into the house, and I love adding a bit of natural beauty in unexpected places like the bathroom or kitchen. But, not everyone is blessed with a garden full of flowers to pick at will. Luckily, there’s another way to bring some springtime freshness into your house – and you can get it at Walmart!

Febreze spring scents at Walmart

Introducing Febreze Spring Scents – the next best thing, if you can’t have fresh flowers in the house! You can choose from Sweet Pea Petals, Wildflower, Nectar {one of my faves!}, Rain, and Grapefruit Fizz. I’ve used every single one of these in my house, and LOVE them. The candles burn for a long time, the air fresheners and fabric sprays are SO helpful when I have a house full of messy kids, and the new NOTICEables plug-ins are SO cool. Check ’em out:

Awesome, right? So be sure to watch for them next time you’re out shopping – or save time and order them online at right now! If you order them site-to-store, you don’t even have to pay shipping, and can pick them up next time you’re shopping. {This is one of my FAVE tips to save time as a busy mom.} And follow them on social media for updates on new products and promotions –  Facebook and Twitter, or just look for the #FebrezeSpring hashtag!

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