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Tips to Avoid Stress and Find Your #HolidayZen this Season!

‘Tis the season for… Stress? Well, for some people, there’s more stress than sparkles during the holidays. Which I hate find a sad thing, since Christmas is my very-most-amazingly-super-duper favorite time of the year. Even with the craziness, it fills me with serious happiness. And now that I have a little one to share it with me – and at 3 years-old this year, she’s really big enough to appreciate it all – it’s even better. But, since I know not everyone is able to easily manage the stress of the holiday rush, I’m super excited to be sharing tips and tricks to help – during an amazing Twitter party happening on December 4, at 1p ET / 12p CT / 10a PT. Keep reading to learn more, RSVP, and be eligible to win some awesome prizes!

Find your Holiday Zen

Finding your own Holiday Zen…

Join us for a Twitter party sponsored by The Century Council and its Talk Early program, a leader in the fight against underage drinking, to share suggestions for slowing down, managing holiday stress and finding holiday zen this season. Because ladies, this should be a time of joy – not stress!

  • What: Research shows that the average American spends 42 hours on holiday activities at this time of year. In the midst of traveling, decorating, buying gifts, and hosting and attending holiday parties, it can be a challenge to find a few relaxing moments to yourself.
  • When: Wednesday, December 4, at 1p ET / 12p CT / 10a PT
  • Where: We’ll be on Twitter – follow the #HolidayZen hashtag to track the conversation. More details here:
  • Hashtag: #HolidayZen
  • Prizes: We will randomly award five prizes throughout the party, from all eligible correct responses to trivia questions. Each prize includes a $50 VISA gift card. (No purchase necessary. Entrants must be legal residents of the 50 United States + D.C. 18 years of age or older. Void where prohibited.)
  • Hosts: @TalkEarly, @theMotherhood, @theMotherhood25, @CooperMunroe, @EmilyMcKhann

Other amazing co-hosts:

@MomDocKathleen – Dr. Kathleen Berchelmann, ChildrensMD
@MamaDweeb – Annie, Mama Dweeb
@TheDoseTweets – Ashley and Lisa, The Dose of Reality
@shibleysmiles – Colleen, Shibley Smiles
@simplybeingmom – Crystal, Simply Being Mommy
@allthingsfadra – Fadra, All Things Fadra
@FishMama – Jessica, Life As MOM
@JodiGrundig – Jodi, Mom’s Favorite Stuff
@lisanoel03 – Lisa, Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy!
@SunandSipCups – Meagan, Sunshine and Sippy Cups
@MamaBuzz – Mel, Mama Buzz

Spread the word!

I mean, a party is a lot more fun with friends, right? So use the tweet box below to spread the word about this rockin’ way to kick-start our holidays, and invite your girlfriends to come join in the fun. I’m sure we’ll all learn a ton of new ways to savor the season, slow down and enjoy it all, and keep everyone safe. Can’t wait to party with you all soon!


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