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How to Get the Best Gifts & Best Deals at Best Buy

I made my list, and checked it twice – then picked it all up at Best Buy! Obviously I’m a little bit biased about Best Buy, since I’ve been part of their amazing WOLF {Woman’s Leadership Forum} Blogger program for over a year now. But the reason being part of that program made me fall in love with them is because I learned SO much about Best Buy that I didn’t know before! I would never have thought to buy my washer and dryer there, since I didn’t realize they carried them. But just a couple of months ago I did – and even after searching everywhere online, I couldn’t find a better deal than Best Buy. I learned about their awesome Geek Squad assistance {which has saved my life quite a few times now.} I learned about their My Best Buy points system, where I earn bonuses by shopping with them. And did you know they have a price match policy too?

The amazing team at Best Buy sent me a gift card to do my holiday shopping with them this year. They wanted to see what real moms really have on their list this year. Instead of them telling us which gifts to tell you about, they wanted us to show off the stuff we were truly excited about. So, I printed out my rewards certificates on, tucked my gift cards into my wallet, and grabbed my Christmas list, and headed out over the river and through the woods, to our closest Best Buy store.

Holiday Gifts - shopping at Best Buy

Holiday Shopping at Best Buy Rocks

Oh man…. I spent about two hours in the store, even WITH a list! There is just SO much cool stuff in there, and I didn’t want to miss anything, since I was planning to have this be my major holiday shopping trip, and get almost all of my gifts purchased. One stop shopping, and less holiday stress, knowing that I’ve got it all covered. As you can see – I picked up a major haul. {I bought twice this much, just can’t show it all.} I am crazy-excited to share some of my favorite gift ideas with you guys – but, I can’t show you everything I bought. My family reads this site too, you know. :) So – I’m going to tell you a little bit about some of my fave items that I am super excited to give this year, and tell you about a few other things that I think are SUPER cool. Then the family won’t know which ones I got, and which ones are just cool tips. Ya with me? Ok – let’s get to it…. Shop along with me, virtually, from your screen. {And if you want to see my WHOLE shopping trip, and what caught my eye, see the whole trip in photos here – Best Buy Shopping, Holiday Style. #BBYHoliday}

Hottest Kids Gifts - All at Best Buy

Hottest Kids Gifts

The kids in our house are total tech junkies. Which I love and hate. I mean, at first I was kind of against the whole idea of Abby having a tablet, or my nephews {who are here half of the time} playing video games. But there are SO many truly cool educational aspects to this new tech, that didn’t even exist when I was a kid. {The boys were shocked – SHOCKED! – to hear that iPhones weren’t even invented when I was a kid. But I think it’s shocking that they don’t even know what Oregon Trail is, lol.} So – here are my picks for coolest kids toys and gadgets this year:

  • Nintendo 3DS XL Luigi Limited Edition in Silver. Comes with the Mario & Luigi: Dream Team game as a bonus. We already had a ton of 3DS games from a great gift package last year from Activision, so I decided to finally get a player for them. And I am in love-love with this super cute Luigi special edition. {80’s kids love Mario & Luigi, right?}
  • Disney INFINITY Starter Pack for the Wii. This one is for Abby. We have Skylanders, and the kiddos LOVE it. But I think that this Disney INFINITY set is more me and Abby’s style – all of her favorite movie characters coming to life. They’ve got the guys from Monsters Inc., Cars, Pirates of the Caribbean, and more. Very fun!
  • iPad Toys rock. Ok – I’ll tell you right now I didn’t buy any of these. But, that is ONLY because an iPad is one of the very few gadgets we don’t have yet. {I plan to ask the mall Santa, so we’ll see.} But they ROCK.MY.SOCKS. I don’t even know which one is my favorite – Fisher-Price – Imaginext Apptivity FortressBarbie – Digital Makeover Kit, or the Fisher-Price – Little People Apptivity Barnyard. And right now you can use this coupon too – 15% off of Fisher Price and Mattel toys.
  • XBox Kinect. comes with a super fun bonus adventure game. My nephews have an XBox at their house, but no Kinect. And my youngest nephew is a Just Dance JUNKIE, I tell you. I figured I’d get him the Kinect so that he could play it at home.
  • Nabi – Disney Edition. Ok, this one I already have. You can read my review of it here – Does Your Kid Really Need a Tablet? The answer to that post question is YES! Especially if it’s this Nabi Disney edition tablet. I am It’s totally indestructible. The kids put our gadgets through a lot of abuse – so I’m able to test things pretty well. And this is just such amazing quality for the price – just as good as an adult tablet, in my opinion. The fact that it’s Disney and comes with over $200 in exclusive content is pretty rad too. {And… the special edition is ONLY available at Best Buy. Because that’s where the cool kids shop.}

Everyone Gifts

These are things that work great for anyone. So, they’re a perfect pick if you want to give one big gift to the family, instead of a bunch of individual gifts. Or, they’re just great ideas for almost everyone else too.

  • SodaStream and accessories. I’m not even a big soda drinker, but even I love the SodaStream. You can create sparkling flavored waters, any type of soda, and now even Kool-Aid flavors! Love it.
  • GoPro. The Mister has been dying for one of these, and honestly – I was super skeptical at first. His number one reason for wanting it is because he’s a race car driver, and wants footage of his races. I didn’t want to spend the money for just that. But now that he’s given me a good sales pitch for awhile now, I am totally seeing why this is a cool gift, and would work for almost ANYONE. Kids can strap it to a helmet, and record their adventures while skateboarding, or riding bikes, or climbing trees. Moms will LOVE those videos, right? And moms can make their own – why not strap this on to a headband and wear it during Christmas morning – you’d get your whole experience recorded to see later, hands-free. Check out their Twitter feed to see more fun ideas! {I recommend the Black edition or above.}
  • Movies. Did you know that Best Buy has an amazingly selection of movies? And what’s better than a good family movie night? I bought a bunch of the newest kid’s movies for stocking stuffers, and then grabbed all 5 seasons of Fringe in DVD boxed sets, for ME. Merry Christmas momma.
  • Kindle FireThe 3 year old in my house loves it, I love it, the Mister loves it, kids off to college love it, travelers who want a great entertainment option on flights love it – everyone loves it. And there are crazy steals this year on the Kindle.
  • Keurig – add on a stand or kcups too. This is a great option for anyone, even if they’re not a coffee junkie like I am. You can make SO much more than coffee – hot cocoa, brew over ice drinks like iced tea, lemonade, and so much more. LOVE. {I bought this for me :)}

Dyson Hot + Cold fan

Merry Christmas to ME – from @Dyson!

I was super lucky to get to meet the peeps from Dyson a few months ago, at BlogHer. Now – I was already a HUGE fan of Dyson. As an OCD clean freak work at home mom, sexy new vacuums are totally my thing. I already had one at home that I loved, and then they gave me their new cordless vacuum to try out at home too. {Read what I think about a Dyson Cordless Vacuum.} But did you know about their supremely awesome blade-less fans? Mind = Blown. I cannot believe how rad these are. Like, Jetsons style. Watch for a review from me soon, for reals. A couple of facts:

  • The Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater is dual purpose fan and heater, so it works for year round, no matter where you live, or what your temps are like. It heats up a room evenly, and faster than any other fan heater, and it’s energy efficient. And the fact that it works as a fan to cool you, with no blades, is just rad. Impress your friends with this bad boy.
  • Dyson Hot + Cool costs approximately 30% less to heat a whole room than conventional fan heaters, and can lower energy bills by 20% if used with air conditioning. Which means that it’ll pay for itself after awhile, with the energy savings. And all of the girls I know who have one swear by them!

Dyson is amazing – they just wanted to sweeten up the whole, “Write a post about gifts you love” post, by giving US a gift too. Because, let’s get real ladies – when it comes to holiday gifts, moms do usually fall a little short. But Dyson loves moms. {Make sure to put them on your list to Santa too!} And tip – You get 2x the Best Buy rewards points on a ton of Dyson gifts until February. I love you Dyson!!

And…. You don’t want to miss out on some awesome coupons right now, from Best Buy!

There are some awesome Best Buy coupons right now! You can save 15% off of Heath & Fitness products, and 15% off of Fisher Price and Mattel toys. You can also save 10% off of prices on portable speakers and headphones too {a few exclusions apply.}

Help finding Best Buy tech gifts

No lie – Blueshirts and Geek Squad Agents are passionate, highly trained, knowledgeable and impartial so they can help make sure you get the perfect gifts for your family and friends. And of course, yourself :) Because of my close relationship with Best Buy – and my history of managing retail stores for 10+ years, I am very attentive to customer service. And I’m always very impressed with the help I get at Best Buy, seriously. But, if you have additional questions, or want advice while shopping online, just give them a quick call!

{I received gift cards from Best Buy to help me shop, so that I could share my favorite holiday gifts finds with you guys. All opinions are my own. And all over uses of exclamation points the and the word awesome are my own too.}


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