What does the holiday season mean to you? For me – and probably most of you – it’s all about friends and family, and celebrating. We love to entertain, and nothing makes me happier than having all of my favorite people together in one place – filling the house with good food, lots of laughter, and creating great memories. I get so excited to shop for presents to make the kid’s faces light up on Christmas morning. I love to make handmade gifts and cards, I have tons of fun decorating the house, and it’s a great excuse to bake too many treats. But on top of all of that joy and celebration – there can also be a big layer of stress. Whether it’s due to tight budgets, overly-busy schedules, or family conflict – it’s so important to slow down, savor the moment, and appreciate the joy of the season. And I’ve got a great way to help you do just that… Let me introduce you to #MyChateau…
The MY CHATEAU Holiday Calendar
What is My Chateau? It’s a place where it’s all about you. And Chateau Ste. Michelle wants to help you take daily breaks to shake off the holiday stress and find a way to enjoy more of the season. Every day leading up to Christmas, you can visit their online virtual Advent calendar to get a fun daily tip – just a small bite-sized action, perfect to fit into any woman’s busy schedule. Want to see my favorite tip so far?
Creating a Winter Wonderland
How fun is this idea, right? And it’s smart – you get an hour of “me time” while they get to work decorating up a storm. It’ll be fun for them, and they’ll wake up every morning to some holiday magic. I decorate the heck out of our house, but never thought about decorating kid’s rooms! So, since Abby’s still really little, we got her a little fake tree of her very own for the playroom, and I gave her a box of inexpensive, sturdy decorations and let her pile them on her tree. She loves it, and shows it to everyone who comes over! And each tip has little buttons to make it easy to share your own fave tips with friends and family too. Because we all need a little nudge to slow down this time of year. And if you approve it when you visit the online calendar, you’ll get a little notification each morning, reminding you to go see the newest daily tip. I am seriously loving it!
In such a crazy time of the year, it’s never been more important to go to Your Chateau. This holiday season, Chateau Ste. Michelle wants to help you find that time or place where YOU can become YOU again. Follow the MY CHATEAU Holiday Calendar: http://www.facebook.com/stemichelle.
I’d love to hear your tips too – how do you find more me time during the holidays? Do you have an advent calendar? And what do you think of the My Chateau calendar tips? Leave me some comments below – or tweet me at @sunandsipcups using the #MyChateau hashtag!
{Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Chateau Ste. Michelle via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Chateau Ste. Michelle.}

The best thing i decided to do this year was simply to DO LESS. I simplified. I let some things go. I didn’t start baking right after thanksgiving. I’m not sending xmas cards…just extending love and blessings from my blog. I’m asking guests to bring a dish to xmas dinner (which they are happy to do!) I told my kids were are giving only 3 gifts to each – Jesus got three gifts and that was good enough for him. ;-) I’m having more peace about the holiday already!